dangerous liaisons. ~ part I

There's no reason to feel guilty..
It's too late now, what's done is done...
If you can keep it a secret darlin'..
We can have some fun...

I always want the things that I can't get..
I don't believe in rules that you can't bend...
Even when you say you've got someone at home..
Tell him tonight that he's on his own...

Oh, crimes of passion..
Give me so much satisfaction...

Setting: The grandest 18th century, Pre-Revolution, France. The burgeoise ruled the land, and the peasants obeyed their orders.

The blonde looked in the mirror. What he saw made him smile. A smile of prestige, of deceit, of beauty. Long, beautiful locks of blonde hair rested loosely against his shoulders, falling down his back in silken waves. The crisp clarity of his sapphire eyes sparkled with mischief and a certain sense of unbridled confidence. His rosy, pink lips curved into a devious smile, his tongue briefly licking at his upper lip.

His face was covered with the finest of powder, imported from the farthest reaches of land. Devoid of any facial hair, his baby-faced qualities were astoundingly pronounced. His gaze lingered on his own reflection for a few moments, enraptured by his unparalleled dominance. He was quite taken with himself, for he should be. A tiny rap at the door threw the young man from his thoughts, winking at the mirror laden in the thickest of gold.

“Monsieur Jericho...”, a small, blonde servant came rushing into the room, immediately bowing at his master’s feet. Christopher smiled, signaling with his fingers for the waif to stand at attention. The peasant immediately went to work at making Christopher more outstandingly gorgeous than he already was. Christopher sighed, allowing the poor boy to feed him his breakfast. Freshly boiled tea and newly baked crumpets. Christopher parted his lips to feast on the meal. After all, he had to attain his nourishment for the day..


A brunette was stretched out amongst layers of silk sheets and blankets, a tiny groan escaping his lips as he heard the familiar clang of wooden doors being pushed open. An abundance of dark curls were splayed out against his pillowcase, loose spirals of onyx dampened by late-night sexual encounters. His eyes fluttered open, squinting as a peasant opened the curtains, allowing the bright morning sun into his living quarters. His upturned nose wrinkled in displeasure, his dark chocolate eyes adjusting to the sudden invasion of light as a hand peeked into the top of the blankets.

“Monsieur Hardy...”, a soft voice called to him, “Your services are required at Sir Jericho’s Bastille at the stroke of 10 o’ clock tonight..”, the servant bit his lip nervously, knowing that his master never wished to be woken up before noon.

A tiny smirk set upon Matthew’s handsome face. Jericho. Hmm.. He slowly sat up in bed, gently grabbing the handle of the teacup and taking a deep sip. He grimaced. Too tart. With a sigh, he rolled his eyes and pushed back the covers, hopping down onto the mahogany-colored floorboards. He lazily walked over to the velvet upholstery of his favorite chair, slumping against the seat.

His expectant gaze flickered to the servants, holding out his hand as a single peasant dropped to his knees, the metal file he gingerly held slightly glinting. Matthew smiled. He always liked his nails to look the best they could. Of course that could ring true for his appearance as well. With a wave of his other hand, the other peasants went about their tasks of picking out the clothes he was to wear for the day, and of course the particular perfume that smells absolutely heavenly upon his skin. He absently twirled a wisp of his hair on his fingertip, running his tongue over his full, plump bottom lip. He was stunningly beautiful, and he knew it. So did his numerous lovers, his former accomplices, even the entire town. A striking grin crossed his face, his eyes closing as he rested against the back of the chair.


Jericho calmly sat in the guest quarters of his home, apparently bored as the dark crimson-colored wine swiveled in his glass. The young virgin Christian, and his mother sat in front of him, apparently stricken by his mere presence. He had politely invited them over for dinner, so he could see just how innocent and niave they both were. He chuckled to himself, his gaze locked on the gullible young blonde who was nervously fidgeting on the couch. He was actually very pretty. Well, for a 17 year-old.

Christian's hair fell against his shoulders in soft, gentle waves. Locks of hair brushed against his smooth face, his cheeks blazing as he caught Jericho’s gaze. Jericho smiled, making it a point to wink into the sparkling turquoise stare of the boy. Jericho sipped at his wine, parting his lips as he looked up at the chiming clock. 10 o’ clock. Jericho grinned. Matthew would be arriving soon. He looked over at the mother scolding her son, rolling his eyes in boredom. Perhaps a little too late..

“Monsieur Hardy will be joining us quite soon..”, Christopher smiled, his eyes meeting Christian’s once more. His mother gasped, setting down her glass on the table with a clink.

“M-Monsieur Hardy?”, she lifted a curious eyebrow, shaking her head in disgust, “He’s an absolute atrocity...his reputation leaves something to be desired! He’s a...filthy scoundrel!”, she choked out, so aghast that a few of her spiral curls fell loose from her tight bun.

Christian almost laughed, somehow managing to hold it in. He had heard stories about Monsieur Hardy, and how his seductive manipulations earned him the title of the town’s secret outcast. Of course everyone in the town knew him, so he was quite popular nonetheless. They had never met, but from what his mother had told him, he was to always stay away from the likes of him..

Jericho snickered quietly, nodding as he drank at the fine liquid, “I believe Monsieur Hardy is a fine gentleman...I have known him for many years..”, he lifted both eyebrows, smiling as he heard distinct footsteps approaching the room.

“Monsieur Jericho, your guest has arrived..”, the servant announced, bowing lightly as he opened the doors.

With a smirk, Matthew entered the space, an unbelievably seductive presence amongst him. His long hair was tied back at the nape of his neck, a few stray curls spiraling against his face. His cheekbones were distinctly pronounced, lightly sprinkled with a fragrant powder. He looked absolutely entrancing, his posture simply flawless. He stood straight and tall, the red vest he wore underneath his overcoat perfectly tailored to fit his broad chest.

He smiled at Jericho, leaning over to kiss the back of his hand. Their heated gazes lingered for a moment before Matthew stood up, lightly brushing his lips against the blonde’s earlobe. Matthew smirked. He would have him by night’s end.

With a graceful bow, he pressed his lips to the back of Madame Reso’s hand, his eyes meeting hers with a dark smile. Bitch. He had never liked her. Ever.

He casually strolled over to Christian, smiling sweetly at the boy. Virgin. He could tell. The way the blonde squirmed at his presence, like he was afraid...or intrigued. He let his mouth loiter on Christian’s hand for a few moments, his gaze flickering up to his. Matthew let his stare drop to the young blonde’s backside. Quite beautiful, in fact. Matthew smiled. He would love to sink into the tight heat of his ass. He almost shuddered at the thought, letting his fingers creep up Christian’s tender thigh to squeeze the prominent curve of his ass.

Christian gasped, a blush creeping into his cheeks. He crossed his legs, feeling his groin stir in response. He could feel his mother’s eyes burning a hole into the back of his head, but for some reason, he was so taken by Monsieur Hardy that he couldn’t move.

“We really should be going now...”, Madame Reso smiled politely, grabbing Christian’s arm and tugging him close to her body.

Christian quickly stood up, meeting Matthew’s gaze with a nervous laugh, “I’m usually in bed by 9...”, he blushed as his mother lightly yanked him past Matthew and Jericho.

Matthew smirked, “So I should hope...”, he lightly waved as the doors slammed shut behind the mother and son. With a chuckle, Matthew flopped down next to Jericho, resting his head against the blonde’s shoulder. Christopher laughed softly, his bright blue gaze resting upon his former lover.

Christopher smiled, “Are you wondering why I have summoned you here tonight?”, he raised an eyebrow in curiosity, breaking their mutual silence.

“I would hope for sexual purposes..”, Matthew smiled in return, tilting his head back to meet Chris’ illustrious gaze. Christopher grinned, letting out a light sigh.

“I require your services..”, Jericho leaned forward to rest his lips against the outer shell of Matthew’s ear, “Do you remember when I dated Monsieur Andrew Martin?”, he asked softly, his voice deep and heated against the brunette’s earlobe. Matthew nodded, wondering what that had to do with anything.

“Well...when he dumped me last month, I was irate...”, Christopher paused to bit his lip angrily, “No one had ever done that to me before...and now--I want him to pay..”, his arm trailed down to wrap around Matthew’s waist, pulling him closer.

“He is set to marry Christian next year, and although Andrew is away in the east until the new year..”, Jericho grinned smugly, “I want to make sure Christian’s status is altered...permanently..”, the blonde nestled his nose against Matthew’s neck, his lips furiously pouty.

Matthew smiled, “I can only guess what you’re suggesting...”, he breathed deeply, pulling himself up out of his seat to face Jericho, “But I cannot...”, the younger man shrugged lightly, walking out of the dining quarters to the hallway.

Jericho sighed. He was utterly disappointed. What in the fuck was the reason why he couldn’t seduce Christian? Surely he wasn’t worried about his reputation. Jericho followed after Matthew, silently questioning the brunette’s reasoning.

“I guess I have to tell you everything..”, Matthew looked over at the blonde, laughing as Jericho snarled and signaled for him to begin.

“For the next two weeks, I will be visiting my aunt out in the country...”, Matthew spoke softly, strolling down the marble-floored hallway. Their shoes made small clinking noises as they walked. The golden buckles of their shoes sparkled against the moonlight.

Jericho frowned. Surely Matthew was lying. His aunt had already left him her entire estate when she died. There really was no other reason to kiss her wrinkled ass. Unless..

Matthew continued, his hands formally resting behind his back, “Monsieur Jeffrey Nero has decided to take up residence with her for the next month..”, Matthew smiled brightly, “And I shall focus my attention on seducing him..”, the brunette’s gaze met Jericho’s, a small smile creeping onto his face.

“But isn’t Jeffrey a devout Catholic?”, Jericho paused to chuckle, “He’s also the virgin amongst all virgins, he even declined my offer...”, the blonde almost hooted in laughter, shaking his head in disbelief.

Matthew smirked, “Christian is quite too easy of a challenge, he’d be on his back by sunrise..”, Matthew grinned, ceasing his walking to seductively back Jericho against the pink marble wall.

“But Jeffrey, I will take pride in seducing him...he can keep his morals and such, but he won’t be able to deny me...”, Matthew breathed softly against Jericho’s mouth, pressing his body against the blonde’s as his tongue licked at the cleft of Jericho’s lips.

His hand dipped down to discreetly squeeze at Christopher’s cock through his pants, as he gently touched his chin to the blonde’s. With a smirk, Matthew continued down the hallway, leaving Jericho pressed against the wall.

“Come back when you succeed with Monsieur Jeffrey...”, Jericho licked at his lips, tasting Matthew on them, “Only if you give me written proof of your conquest...I’ll allow you to indulge yourself in me..”, a faint grin touched the blonde’s face as Matthew spun on his heels.

Matthew smirked, letting his tongue run against his lips as he returned to kneel in front of Jericho, his mouth teasing at the prominent bulge in the blonde’s pants.

“I don’t suppose I could have an advance...”, Matthew breathed out, his lusty gaze locked on Jericho’s as he peered up at him. Jericho smiled, reaching down to caress the side of Matthew’s face, lightly jerking his hips towards his mouth.

“I don’t suppose so...”, Jericho arched an eyebrow as he slipped out of the brunette’s grasp, winking as he climbed the stairs to his living quarters.

Matthew smiled. He rose to his feet and turned the other direction. His plan was in his grasp. He could fuck Jeffrey, and then fuck Jericho. He chuckled. Easier said than done..

Right in the palm of his hand. Jericho grinned. He opened the door to his room, smiling as a younger blonde immediately dropped to his knees, yanking down his pants. With a satisfied smirk, Jericho closed the door behind him..
