dangerous liaisons. ~ part II

Matthew arrived at his aunt’s country residence early the next morning, which was Sunday. The brunette rolled his eyes. Church. Catholicism. Not quite his favorite subject. He had already accepted his sinful status, and technically, he never wanted to change. But he would have to put on a grand front to appease young Jeffrey. Matthew sighed, disgustedly stepping into the threshold of the cathedral.

A priest rambled on in front of the chapel, his dry, chapped lips parting to recite the relentless passages within the Bible. The gown he wore was white, of course. Lined with golden-colored fabric at the sleeves and neckline. His gray-hair spilled over his shoulders, nose distinctly long and pointed, and eyes the lightest of blue.

Matthew almost laughed. He was the exact opposite. Yes, he was beautiful on all his own, but his dark features only fueled the mystery of his character. Onyx wisps of hair fell over his eyes, the loose ponytail tied back allowed his gorgeous curls to spill down his back. He wore a lovely dark gray, his pants tight on his thighs and backside. The white vest hugged his chest perfectly, the gray overcoat he wore over it flawlessly coordinating with his snug-fitting trousers.

The large, rectangular, silver buckle on his shoes matched the small crucifix he wore on his neck. The tiny piece of platinum jewelry sparkled in the bright morning sunshine, catching a glint of light before bouncing beneath the silken shirt lying beneath his vest. He smirked. His coattails fluttering as he began to walk down the aisle laden with plush velvet carpet.

A tall, golden pole stood to his left, and his gaze fixed onto it, a smile curved upon his lips. Briefly, he pressed his groin against the pole, slowly rubbing his crotch up and down the inscriptions. He rudely stuck his tongue out at one of the nuns, suggestively raking his fingers up and down the pole.

So, with the fakest smile he could manage, he quietly strolled down the walkway to join his aunt and her guests. He smiled as innocently as he could to his aunt, pausing to give her a brief kiss on the cheek. He nodded in recognition to her other visitors, smiling quite politely, in fact. His chocolate gaze glanced up momentarily, smirking as he caught sight of Jeffrey.

The young man sat in the row behind his aunt, one ankle cordially tucked behind the other. He wore a faint blue overcoat, the long coattails tucked beneath him as he studied the thick book of testaments resting in his lap. Striking strands of the most vibrant colors fell over his serious gaze, a deep indigo and a dazzling violet. Intricate lines and swirls were shaven into the side of his face, his luscious lips slightly parted as he mouthed the words from the colorless page.

Matthew bit back a moan. He could see his cock between those wonderful lips, buried down his sweet little throat. His heated gaze drunk in the sight of the younger man, noticing the distinct bulge in Jeffrey’s constricted sky blue trousers, subconsciously licking his lips. His thighs looked beyond beautiful, his backside firm and supple against the wooden bench. Jeffrey suddenly looked up, his clear emerald gaze melting into Matthew’s. He smiled knowingly, lifting an eyebrow as the brunette walked over to sit next to him.

“I apologize for gawking, but your beauty is beyond me..”, Matthew whispered softly, moving close so that his lips were nearly pressed against Jeffrey’s pierced earlobe. The younger man almost laughed, shaking his head as he went back to reading the Bible.

Matthew parted his lips to formally introduce himself, but Jeffrey silenced him with his own personal thoughts, seemingly unimpressed.

“I have heard of you, and obviously, there really is no need to be so 'innocently' charming...“, Jeffrey replied just as softly, smiling as he playfully shrugged his shoulders.

Matthew smirked, leaning over to nuzzle his upturned nose against Jeffrey’s cheek. He could feel the heat setting in on the younger man’s face, the intensity of his words heated and warm.

“I didn’t come here to be a theologist, Jeffrey...”, Matthew murmured against the younger man’s cheek, burying his nose against the fragrant locks of hair spilling down Jeffrey’s face, “I want you...”, the brunette breathed seductively, grinning wickedly as his fingers slipped under the holy book to slide up the younger man’s thighs.

Jeffrey gasped softly, his brow furrowing in disbelief as he harshly slammed the Bible onto Matthew’s fingers, “I excuse your manners, for your reputation obviously speaks wonders about your personality...”, with a glare, Jeffrey stood up from his seat, hurrying past to walk up the aisle.

Matthew smirked, letting his stare fall down to Jeffrey’s ass as he walked by. He almost reached out to squeeze one of the pronounced globes, but merely chuckled as he watched Jeffrey leave. He shrugged as his aunt turned back, lifting a curious eyebrow at her nephew. He shook his head, picking up the Bible that dropped to the carpet and pretending to read it. He waited until all eyes left him, to laugh quietly. He had Jeffrey right where he wanted him. Angry. Appalled. Matthew saw the way the younger man had peered into his eyes. Chemistry. Matthew smiled, leaning back against the seat and stretching out to cross his fingers behind his head. First impressions were everything..

Jeffrey frowned. He had never been so disgusted in all his life. As he stepped out of the room, the bright sunrays absorbed his figure. He tied his hands behind his back, sighing as he attempted to will his heart to slow. He had never been so aroused, so captured, so taken. He had to leave. The more he stared into Matthew’s gaze, the more he lost his reasoning, his control, his religion. He knew Matthew was bad, perhaps that’s what intrigued him above all.

Devious, deceitful, harsh. Christian’s mother had been so kind to warn him of Matthew and his reputable achievements. How he had seduced many young men into offering themselves to him for the choosing. His jade eyes fell to the grass below. He would not give himself to his urgings. He would remain a virgin long after he’d been pursued.

He shuddered at the thought of the brunette’s lips pressed against his, those skillful fingers wrapped around his cock. Damn. Jeffrey sighed miserably. He was lost. He gingerly reached into his pocket to pull out a brown piece of paper, carefully unfolding it as he read the beautiful handwriting, which was so elegantly written with the darkest ink.

Monsieur Jeffrey Nero,

I must warn you of a dangerous threat to everything that you stand for. A Monsieur Matthew Hardy will be visiting your aunt, please heed my concerns about you. He is not only the most ruthless young man I have ever laid eyes on, but deceitful and unabashedly cruel to those whom he pursued.

Anyone whom has engaged in relations with Matthew has sincerely regretted their choices. He may be charming and quite handsome, but he is purely evil. He will have no qualms about shattering your heart to get what he wants. I direly await your reply.

Sincerely, Madame Reso

Jeffrey's eyes carefully perused the letter, firmly holding it in his fist as he walked. Were these things true? Was Monsieur Hardy not to be trusted?

After the relentless reciting was finished, Matthew strolled out of the church to find Jeffrey walking on the grounds. He was apparently reading a letter. Matthew frowned slightly, regaining his stunning posture and sauntering over towards the younger man. He smiled as he crept up behind Jeffrey, sneaking a soft kiss onto the nape of his neck. He heard Jeffrey gasp, the younger man briefly closing his eyes before continuing his reading.

Matthew sighed, “I am sincerely apologetic for what happened back there, I truly don’t know what to do with myself sometimes...”, the brunette‘s lips curved into a charming smile, gracefully walking beside the younger man.

Jeffrey looked up from the letter, shaking his head lightly, “I-It’s quite alright...”, with a soft bite to his bottom lip, he folded the letter and tucked it back into his pocket, his strides calm and relaxed.

“Do you believe in love at first sight?”, Matthew lifted a gentle eyebrow, lightly smiling into Jeffrey’s stunned gaze. He licked at his upper lip, running his tongue over the soft cleft.

Jeffrey’s brow wrinkled momentarily, “Not when it comes to you...”, Jeffrey sped up his walking a bit, blinking in slight doubt.

He did feel something when he first looked into Matthew’s eyes, but that wasn’t important. The only thing he wanted to do was be friends with this man, if that. His heart was far too sensitive to give to the likes of him. Jeffrey sighed. He really couldn’t trust himself when it came to Matthew, and he knew it. He hung his head. Was he being tempted? What did he ever do to deserve this?

Matthew smirked, watching as Jeffrey nearly ran off, “Sweet dreams!“, his seductive voice called to the younger man, grinning to himself as he turned on his thick heels.

Honestly, he didn’t even want to take Jeffrey’s faith. He actually wanted him to keep his stern beliefs, and still have no choice than to give in to his wishes. He could tell the younger man was interested in him, but his mind was having regretful thoughts. Matthew smiled. He would just have to steal Jeffrey’s heart, display an extraordinary amount of sensitivity, and unbridled charm. He wanted to make Jeffrey need him. In which he could fuck him, and then go back home and drown himself in Christopher’s lust. Matthew snickered. He wondered how the blonde would look with his pre-cum smeared all over his lips. A perfect smirk crossed his face as he began to whistle, strolling off in the opposite direction.

Several hours later, Matthew sat in a wicker chair in the middle of the luxurious garden, casually smoking a thin cigarette. He wore a baggy pair of white pants, and nothing else. Literally. No underwear, no shirt, no shoes. His toned chest glistened with slight perspiration, his curls damp and moist from the summer humidity. His hair spilled down his back in silken waves, tilting his head back to peer up at the night sky. He still looked deliciously sexy, and he knew it. Hell, he always looked sexy.

The gazebo was large, spacious enough to accompany a grand piano and a few chairs. His legs were crossed at the ankles, idly tapping his feet as he blew small puffs of smoke out into the midnight air. A violinist played his favorite symphony beside him, standing tall as he ran the bow across the bridge of the smooth, wooden instrument. He waved his hand to the difficult melody, flicking the burnt ashes onto the ground as he smirked. He quickly extinguished the tiny flame as he saw Jeffrey walking towards him, looking absolutely stunning.

He wore a sheer, navy, button-down shirt, which was completely open and blowing in the warm breeze. The short sleeves hugged his arms, exposing his wonderful biceps and incredibly-tanned chest. A dark pair of silk pants slung low on his waist, hips curvacious hips swaying as he walked. He was barefoot, the light crunching sound of his toes digging into the grass breaking the quiet silence.

Jeffrey sighed. He had no idea Matthew was going to be out here. He just came for a walk because he had trouble sleeping. And that difficulty was because of the brunette in the first place. He actually had a dream about Matthew, quite sinful in fact. He imagined Matthew fucking him through the mattress, his own legs spread wide as he wantonly gave himself to his own desires. He woke up with a ridiculously stiff erection, nearly shameful as he actually thought about masturbating. Luckily, pouring the pitcher of chilled water over himself erased his apparent pleasure. But just seeing Matthew, set his body afire once more. He silently cursed himself, a bit taken aback at the brunette.

Matthew inwardly moaned, his cock already stirring to life amidst the thin cotton material. Jeffrey was simply enticing, even if he didn’t know it. Matthew smiled, raising to his feet to greet the younger man with a soft kiss to the back of his hand. He kneeled briefly, his illustrious gaze flickering up into Jeffrey’s. He let his mouth linger on Jeffrey’s hand, parting his lips to slide his tongue between the webbed spaces of his fingers. He swore he heard Jeffrey moan as well, smirking as he rose to his feet.

Matthew smiled, turning to the violinist and signaling for him to play Brahms' Symphony No. 3, which he just knew Jeffrey would adore. He walked over to sit at the bench in front of the piano, placing his fingers at the keyboard. Skillfully, he slid his fingertips against the ivory keys, his lusty voice deep and soft.

Jeffrey took a seat next to him, timidly leaning his head onto Matthew’s solid shoulder as he played. The tone was seductive, yet romantic, spontaneously passionate and refined. Matthew’s voice was by far the sweetest part of the entire song, his eyes closing as he lost himself to the tantalizing rhythm. Each key that Matthew’s fingers manipulated tore a tiny sigh from Jeffrey’s lips, the younger man completely entranced.

The brunette smoothly played the intricate symphony, smiling to himself as he hummed softly along with the melody, his voice in perfect chord. He opened his eyes to extend his gaze onto Jeffrey, sincerely lost in his beauty. His hair was up in a loose bun, spirals of color spilling down his glowing face. Beautiful lips were slightly parted, his breathing quiet.

Matthew leaned down, surprised as Jeffrey moved up to press his lips to his own, a soft gasp caught in the back of the younger man’s throat. His eyes remained closed as he rested his mouth against the brunette’s, his body nearly shuddering with need.

Jeffrey felt Matthew’s tongue entering his mouth, warm and seductive. A part of him was confused, and the other took over his emotions. Their tongues briefly tangled, the younger man’s lips eagerly pressed against the brunette’s. Matthew’s fingers hit the keys with a loud clang, Jeffrey blinked, immediately standing up and slipping out the older man’s embrace.

“I--I have to go now..”, Jeffrey quickly stuttered out, dashing out of the space and running back up to his room.

Matthew breathed deeply, smiling as he watched him go. Perfect. Jeffrey wanted him as much as he ever could, that he knew. The sad part was that Matthew felt something as they kissed, an indescribable sensation. He almost laughed at the irony. How could he ever let himself feel for someone that way? He was Monsieur Hardy. He wasn’t allowed to give himself in that way. It was almost forbidden. He slept around, fucked whomever he chose. That wasn’t a man who was a gentleman, or someone to fall in love with. Or maybe it was.

He smirked, his fingers casually sliding over the keys and playing another symphony. Tomorrow, he would inform Jeffrey that he was in love with him. All a part of his plot, his conniving plan for recognition. Cruel, he knew. No one would ever understand him. Especially not Jeffrey. Christopher was the only one that he could openly admit he was attached to. That’s all he had room for in his life. Of course not his heart. He smiled evilly, his eyelids closed as he nodded his head to the music. His mind dwelled on Jeffrey as he played, raven-colored curls falling over his handsome face as he grinned..

Jeffrey slipped back into the guest bedroom, locking the door as he collapsed against the glossy wooden material. He buried his head in his hands, nearly panting as he ran his shaky fingers through his hair. His bun had fell out while he ran. Not that he cared.

All he could think of was Matthew. It almost brought tears to his eyes how miserable he was. He had just met him, and already he was struck. Struck with something urgent, a sensation that he had never felt before. He had never needed something that was absolutely horrible for him. He rested his cheek against his knees, hugging his legs close to his chest.

Jeffrey’s teary, emerald gaze blurrily focused on the linen, the sheets wildly scattered at the foot of the mattress. He crawled over to the bed, his eyelids falling shut as he struggled within himself. Struggled for reasoning, for an explanation, for permission to feel this way. Only one thing he could do. Pray.

He pressed his palms together, kneeling beside his bed as his head bowed in agony. Silence. He heard no voice, no consolation, nothing. Inhaling deeply, he slithered into the blankets, closing his eyes and quickly falling asleep. How much more could he take?
