dangerous liaisons. ~ part v

Christopher wore a pair of navy trousers, which flawlessly revealed the curves of his hips and quite delicious backside. He wore a light gray vest, which was exquisitely tailored to hug his broad chest and shoulders. He wore a white silk shirt underneath, the light ruffles distinct and crisp.

The navy overcoat he wore, perfectly coordinated with his pants, the coattails snugly resting beneath his weight. His feet were firmly planted against the ruby carpet, the silver buckle on his shoes sparkling in the morning sun. He sat straight in his seat, pale wisps of hair beautifully flowing from the ponytail resting atop his head. Gorgeous locks of hair spiraled against his face as his devilish sapphire eyes sparkled with clear amusement.

Christopher sat with Monsieur Copeland, casually sipping at a tall glass of chilled iced-tea. Passion fruit. Christopher smirked. A bit tart, but he absolutely adored it. He carefully studied Adam as he nervously squirmed in his chair, which annoyed him to a fine degree. The man was tall, delightfully handsome, and all the more unsuspecting.

Christopher smiled. He was the town’s finest music teacher, who was not too surprisingly in love with Christian. Jericho almost coughed up the bitter liquid as he meticulously sipped at it, nearly breaking out in a fit of laughter. But he maintained his composure, pretending to be sympathetic as he listened to the blonde rant about his troubles with Christian.

Monsieur Copeland wore a tight, faintly turquoise-colored pair of trousers that accented his beautiful eyes, and of course his stunningly plump backside. He wore the perfect overcoat to match, its coattails respectfully tucked underneath his legs. The light gray vest he wore underneath complimented the lovely shirt worn beneath the fine material. Long waves of blonde hair fell down Adam’s back, his golden tresses loose and slightly damp. His emerald eyes studied the numerous paintings Jericho displayed around the room, all pertaining to seduction. With a bright smile, his gaze fell to Christopher’s.

“So what shall I do to court Christian?”, Adam asked softly, his fingers folded in his lap, “I send him cordial love letters just about everyday...”, the blonde leaned back in against the plush upholstery of the chair, a few strands of hair falling over his beautiful face.

Christopher disgustedly rolled his eyes, a quite innocent grin setting upon his face. He wanted to tell him to shut the fuck up, but that wouldn’t work accordingly with the plan. Besides, he could be a gentleman when he wanted to, believe it or not. Jericho’s gaze fell to the profound bulge in Adam’s trousers, sliding his warm tongue against the rim of the glass before setting it down on the table.

“Well, you do know of Monsieur Hardy, correct?”, Christopher quickly stood up, absently staring out the window for a moment before trailing his fingers against Adam’s solid shoulders. He reached forward to brush his lips against Adam’s earlobe, eliciting a tiny nibble. He smirked, and as if on perfect cue, Matthew stepped through the open doors.

The brunette wore a white pair of close-fitting trousers, which sunk into his deliciously-toned thighs. The wonderfully-snug ivory-colored overcoat he wore ideally embraced his muscular arms, the sleeves brushing against his wrists. A beautiful, black vest accompanied the well-matched outfit, which hugged quite well to his chest. A white top hat snugly rested atop his head, his dark curls tied back into a ponytail at the nape of his neck. The midnight wisps of hair brushed against his back, a magnificent smirk crossing his face. He winked at Christopher, planting a soft kiss onto the blonde’s cheek as his arm snaked forward to squeeze the older man against his body.

Jericho lifted an eyebrow, his fingers trailing down to give Matthew’s backside a faint pinch. Their heated gazes locked for a moment, until Christopher slipped out of Matthew’s hold to take a seat onto the camelback sofa. The brunette looked extraordinary in white, the hat adding to his appeal. Christopher almost contemplated sucking his cock right there, but instead opting to smile sweetly. Matthew would get nothing. At least not yet. The blonde crossed his legs, his hand resting on the brunette’s thigh as Matthew sat next to him.

Adam blinked. He had heard of Monsieur Hardy, everyone had. His simple presence was overwhelming, to the point where anyone would offer themselves to him. Adam shook his head. Matthew wasn’t his type, besides he was in love with Christian. He would never be gullible enough to jeopardize what he felt for Christian, or what they had. Their unique innocence was something genuinely treasured, for he was a virgin as well. He planned on giving himself to Christian, and no one would be able to take that away. He smiled, reaching out to allow Matthew to kiss the back of his hand, his gaze seductive and knowing.

“It’s wonderful to finally meet the man that Christian speaks so often of..”, Matthew chuckled lightly, his charm unparalleled. He had just fucked Christian again a few hours ago, but guilt was replaced with longing. He planned on visiting Jeffrey late tonight, and secretly, he couldn’t wait. He already missed him. Dearly. Matthew sighed, gently encircling his arm around Christopher’s waist.

Christopher smiled, “Christian has told me that he’s busy replying to your latest letter..”, the blonde paused briefly to continue, “I know for a fact that he’s in love with you as well...”, Jericho winked into Adam’s bright gaze, trying hard not to giggle at the younger man’s anxiousness.

They watched as Adam rose out of his seat, the biggest grin set upon his face that the two had ever witnessed.

“I really must be going now, but I thank you both for helping Christian and I..”, Adam smiled, quickly excusing himself to exit the room. He couldn’t wait to read what Christian had to say. He intended on waiting at home until the courier delivered the message, for however long that took. He smiled as he stepped out into the cobblestone-lined street, a servant waiting to help him up into the carriage that was to be pulled by two horses. With one last glance up at the window to Jericho’s room, the carriage being tugged down the bumpy streets.

Christopher smirked into Matthew’s shoulder, his soft lips pressed to the fragrant material of his overcoat. He sighed and slipped over onto Matthew’s lap, facing away from him as his hips swiveled against the brunette‘s. He heard Matthew groan, the brunette’s warm fingers attaching to the curves of his waist and lightly guiding his smooth movements.

“I heard the moans coming from your guest room last night..”, Jericho smiled wickedly, his hips continuing their seductive rhythm, “And this morning I greeted a bow-legged Christian...”, Christopher giggled, tilting his head back to nuzzle his cheek against Matthew’s.

The brunette grinned. He had fucked him pretty hard. He would be a tad sore, but it’d wear off in a few days.

“So you obeyed my wishes and fucked the little bitch silly..”, Christopher sniggered, relentlessly grinding his ass against the material confining Matthew’s cock, soft moans ringing in his ears. He reached behind his back with his right hand, his fingers expertly manipulating Matthew’s cock.

“Yes..”, Matthew closed his eyes, nearly chewing through his lip, “I don’t suppose I could fuck you now...”, the brunette faintly groaned as Christopher’s hips skillfully drew him to arousal, his cock hard and brushing against the blonde’s ass. His mouth was pressed to Christopher’s ear, his tongue wetly sliding along the outer shell.

Christopher gradually slowed down his jerky movements, his breathing heavy and deep. His hips came to an abrupt stop, a smirk curving his lips. He reached up to tilt Matthew’s hat to the side, running his fingers through the stray curls that fell from the brunette’s ponytail.

“Not until you fuck Jeffrey...”, Jericho softly moaned, raising up from Matthew’s lap with a light chortle of laughter. He reached down into the younger man’s pocket to draw a cigarette from the rectangular, platinum case before walking away. With a satisfied wink, he lit the thin stick, a tiny trail of smoke following him down the hallway.

Matthew gasped. Fuck. His eyes flickered open to watch Christopher head to his room, the door slamming behind him. The brunette smirked, leaving his hat slightly slanted on his head as he tipped the brim to the side. He sat in his seat for a few moments, recalling the events that just occurred. Maybe an early visit to his aunt’s wasn’t so bad after all. He smiled, lifting out off of the sofa to stroll through the heavy wooden doors leading outside. He calmly lit a cigarette, letting the stick rest between the cleft of his lips before taking a slow drag.

He frowned. He didn’t even crave cigarettes anymore. Besides, Jeffrey was repulsed at the smell of smoke. He carelessly tossed it to the ground, the heel of his shoe extinguishing the tiny flame. With a nod, the servant opened the door to his personal, horse-drawn carriage, his head slightly bowed. Matthew smiled, lowering his head before stepping into the stagecoach, his dark chocolate gaze flickering up to the large window of Jericho’s living quarters.

Christopher peered down at the carriage, his brow lifted in curiosity. Matthew was going back to visit Jeffrey. Already? It had only been a few days. The blonde frowned. Obviously the brunette was attracted to the younger man, a little more than he liked. He blew a small puff of smoke against the glossy glass window, turning on his heels to stroll over to his chestnut desk.

He had big plans for the brunette, and just about everyone else. No one would make him look like an idiot, that he was sure of. With a devious grin, Jericho listened to the horses run off into the afternoon breeze, tugging the carriage along with them. Maybe he would take a little vacation of his own. Not alone, of course. He snickered, sitting down to write a lovely letter. To whom? You’ll find out soon enough..
