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Molly Match Results

Here is where you will find a match by match detailed results, keep calling back to get the latest results


Molly & Ivory Vs. Chyna

-In the arena, Chyna comes out with her belt, even though it isn't on the line. Molly comes down, then Ivory. This match is on because the tag match on Raw turned into a Handicap match when Chyna refused to tag in. Molly starts. Chyna just pushes Molly down. Molly floats over but Chyna rams her into the turnbuckle. Powerbomb by Chyna, who calls for Ivory to come in, but she won't. Chyna presses Molly way up, but Molly wiggles out and crawls to Ivory, but not before getting spanked. Chyna pulls the reluctant Ivory int he ring. Molly rusn in, but gets clotheslined. Powerbomb by Chyna on Ivory and Chyna hooks the leg 1-2-3! Lita runs into the ring and raises Chyna's arm up, much like what happened on Raw. Then, Eddie comes out on the stage and simply claps.



Molly & Ivory Vs. Chyna & Lita

Before The Match Crash came up to Molly and wanted to talk to her about Spike Dudley. Crash said that Spike was a Dudley, and Dudley put women through tables, and even though they haven't done that in a while, Crash was afraid of what might happen to Molly. Molly told her cousin that she was just talking to Spike, and that she was impressed with what he did in a match! Molly added that Spike was sweet, and different from the other Dudley Boyz. Crash said that if Molly wanted to be impressed, she should watch Crash in his Hardcore match later on RAW!

In a women's tag team match, the odd combination of Ivory and Molly Holly teamed up to take on Chyna and Lita. During the match, Lita went to tag in Chyna, but the Ninth Wonder of the World told Lita to get back in the ring! Lita went on to struggle against Molly, but picked up the win after hitting Molly with a moonsault. After the match, Chyna raised Lita's arm, but Lita just stared at Chyna in disbelief



Molly Vs. Lita

Rollup by Molly for a two count. Headscissors by Lita. Lita throws Molly from the top turnbuckle. Lita goes up top and hits a moonsault for the pin. After the match Chyna enters the ring and raises Lita's hand. As Chyna is helping Molly up, Lita sneaks in a few spanks on Chyna. Chyna turns around smiling.




Molly, Hardcore and crash Vs. Saturn, Malenko and Terri

Saturn, Malenko and Terri made there way to the ring first, Upon Entering the ring Terri grabbed the mic and complained that she didnt have the proper wrestling wear to take part in tonights 3 person tag match. She then went on to say That she tried to get some wrestling boots but they didnt sell them here in the UK. The Hollys music then hit and interuped Terri on the mic. Crash and Hardcore brawled with Malenko and Saturn on the ramp, Meanwhile in the ring Terri slapped molly across the face. Molly Given as much as she got slapped the taste outta Terri's mouth and gained a two count by a German Suplex. Molly then grabbed Terri's legs and went on to swing terri around by her feet (lol). Molly was interuped by saturn comming in the ring and chasing her away. Hardcore and Saturn got it on in a fair contest, where Saturn dominated Hardcore. Hardcore got a tag to Crash and Crash then cleared the ring and beat on both Saturn and Malenko. Crash pinned Saturn after a beautiful hurricanrana from the Top rope only to have Terri Interfear and stop the count. Molly then entered the ring and got in to a cat fight with Terri, the cat fight continued until Hardcore and Malenko broke it up. Sadly While hardcore was distracked by Molly and Terri, Saturn got the Pin fall for the Win on Crash via a german suplex. After the match the cat fight continued out side the ring and up the walk way.

Webmistress's Comments- Awesome Match tho I am a little dissapointed the the WWF changed the card. Molly fairly kicked Terri's Ass tho, LoL:):) (Yay!!)



Molly Vs. Lita

This was a very good match due to both ladies getting an overwhelming response from the crowd in Denver. The match ends with Lita hitting the Twist of Fate on Molly followed by hitting the Moonsault from the top rope. If you watch HeAT this Sunday, Lita didn't connect very well with the Moonsault. She hit Molly's chest very hard.



Molly Vs. Chyna, Women's Championship Match

Jonathan Coachman interviewed Molly Holly about her Women's Championship match with Chyna. Molly said that she knew she was at a size disadvantage, but she said she would do her best -- and maybe, just maybe, she would become the new Women's Champion! In a Women's Championship match, Chyna easily defeated Molly Holly following a powerbomb.



Crash & Molly Vs.Rhyno

Crash's first move was a small package for a two count. Rhyno soon took over with a clothesline. No matter what Crash tried, he got gored and pinned, without even tagging Molly. Molly ran in and jumped on Rhyno's back, sending out Hardcore Holly. Hardcore threw Rhyno outside the ring.



Molly Holly & Crash vs. Lita & Matt

Matt opens the match by attacking Crash. Crash counters and throws Matt into the corner. Backstage, Jeff is shown observing the match. Matt takes a double suplex from Molly and Crash for a 2 count. Molly then drags Lita across the ring. Lita counters with a rollup for a 2 count. Lita connects with a headscissors on Molly, who counters with a suplex of her own. Both tag. Matt hits a clothesline and gets a 2 count on Crash. Outside the ring, Lita trips Crash. Molly connects with a senton on Matt but Lita makes the save. Lita whips Crash with a hurricanrana and Matt hits the twist of fate and gets the pin.



No. 1 Contender Match, Lita d. Molly Holly

Both women locked up and Molly slapped on a headlock. Lita reversed it. Off the ropes, Lita landed a hurricanrana. Both women tried small packages that didn't yield pinfalls. Crash and Matt Hardy yelled at each other outside the ring. Molly hit a standing suplex on Lita. Molly was caught up top and thrown off. The ladies took a spill outside and the men started going at it. With the referee distracted, Raven's mystery woman ran in and DDTed Molly. Lita went up top and landed a moonsault to win.