*The match will always have three wrestlers fight. Once someone is eliminated, another
comes out. This continues until all the wrestlers have come out and one man is left.
Elimination is by pinfall or submission.*
Enter: Bulk And Darkside
Bulk and Darkside start off the match working together. They attack Heat. Heat fights
back. Heat covers, and gets a slow two count from the recovering Referee. Heat goes for
a Terminator on Bulk but before he can jump, Darkside grabs him by the throat and
throws him off the ring. Darkside scoops Heat over his shoulder and runs it into a cookie
sheet, held by Bulk. Bulk covers, but Darkside throws him off and covers. Bulk kicks
Darkside off. Darkside and Bulk trade rights. Bulk gains a fast advantage and locks on
Bite This(Tongan Death Grip). Jones checks Darkside and he is knocked out.
Eliminated: Darkside by Bulk
Enter: A.D.H.D.
ADHD enters and begins an assault on Bulk. Bulk tired and doesn’t have much time to
fight back. ADHD quickly checks on Heat who is slowly coming to. He goes back to Bulk
who isn’t doing so well, ADHD knee the big man in the gut and knock him over. He
jumps in the ring and delivers a cross body on Bulk for the pin.
Eliminated: Bulk
by A.D.H.D.
Enter: Futko
Futko runs in and jumps ADHD from behind with a cookie sheet. Futko is enraged and
slaps his former partner around slams him into the fence and ring several times. He notices
Heat trying to get up and kicks his back down. He stomps Heat’s injured lower back. He
goes back to ADHD who is up and attacks Futko gaining the advantage. Futko fights back
and executes a knock out punch. Futko kicks Heat once more before covering his cousin
for the three count.
Eliminated: A.D.H.D. by
Enter: Little Mikey Walker
While Futko walks to the entrance wait for the next man to enter, Little Mikey runs right
over to Heat. He pokes him with a stick if he’s really out. Heat doesn’t move much.
Mikey cover Heat. 1...2...Heat barely kicks out. Futko grabs LMW and throws him out of
the way. He takes his bitter anger out on Heat and punches him in the head. He locks Heat
in his own finisher, The Burnout! Heat begins tapping out.
Eliminated: Heat by Futko
Enter: Instigator
LMW jumps onto Futko's back. He tries to choke Futko out but Instigator breaks it as he
enters. Instigator throws Futko into the ring and hits him with a few moves. Instigator
goes for The Eliminator but Futko reverses managing to get him on his shoulders, A.D.D.!
Futko gets up and is about to cover Instigator when LMW runs in a surprises Futko with
his Hurracanranna finisher. Mikey covers Instigator and eliminates the Backyard
Eliminated: Instigator by
Enter: Mack Daddy
Mikey covers Futko but Futko kicks out. Mack Daddy enters and pulls Mikey off Futko
tells him they have to work together to get rid of Futko. They stomp Futko on the outside
and toss him into the ring. Futko receives a Mack Down from Mack Daddy. LMW holds
up Futko as Mack Daddy runs at him with a milk crate but Futko ducks and LMW gets
hit. Mack Daddy covers LMW.
Eliminated: LMW by Mack
Enter: Stryfe
Stryfe enters next over the fence and dives off taking down Mack Daddy with a
clothesline. Stryfe then attacks Futko and quickly takes him out with a Bytchin' Bulldog.
Futko is eliminated.
Eliminated: Futko by Stryfe
Enter: Omega
Stryfe chops Mack Daddy from behind taking him down. Stryfe attention turns to the
entrance where Omega is standing. Stryfe jumps out of the ring onto Omega and they
begin trading rights. Advantage sways back and forth as no one can get a full advantage.
Mack Daddy helps Omega double team Stryfe. Mack Daddy tries to high five Omega but
Omega misses gives Mack Daddy a rock bottom. Mack Daddy can’t kick out.
Eliminated: Mack Daddy by
Enter: Mystery Man - Mark
Stryfe jumps Omega and takes him down. He punches away at Omega. The man formally
known as Triple 6, Mark Angel enters next. He tries to help Stryfe but he pushes him
away. Mark tries again but gets the same result. Angel has had enough and surprises
Stryfe by giving him his new finisher, Angel Dust(Cradled Reverse DDT) Angel covers
Stryfe and eliminates him.
Eliminated: Stryfe by Mark
Angel quickly goes after Omega. He throws him into the ring and goes for a DDT but gets
a spine buster. After a powerbomb and a DeKAPPAtator Mark is out. Omega covers and
becomes a Two Time, TCW World Champion. He takes the belt walks away.
Eliminated: Mark Angel by
Winner and NEW World Champion: