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October 13, 2000

Sober by Tool plays as Heat appears at the entrance. He walks around the tramp and sits on the edge. He talks about how it was funny that he won two of the three matches he had against Stryfe at Doomsday 2000 but how he wasn't the overall winner. He says that that doesn't matter anymore and that he has a bigger thing on his mind, the World Title. He calls Futko an embarrassment to TCW and says that he deserves to be the World Champion. He adds that tonight will be a night to remember in TCW, because something big is going to happen.

Stryfe(c) vs. ADHD vs. Instigater vs. Mikey
Four-Way Match (No Elimination)

ADHD entered first followed by Little Mikey Walker and Instigator. Stryfe made his normal entrance over the fence. Stryfe and ADHD tangle in the ring as LMW and Instigator fight on the outside. Weapons get involved as Stryfe begins taking LMW out by breaking a hockey stick over his back and Instigator assaults ADHD. ADHD takes an advantage over Stryfe and he hits him with a chair seat. The advantage doesn't last for long as Stryfe slams the P.A.P. member into the tramp and hits a Bytchin' Bulldog. Stryfe doesn't go for the pin. Instead he sets up a chair beside the tramp. Inside the ring Instigator hits the Eliminator on LMW and is about to get the pin, but Stryfe gives Instigator a triple jump senton to break up the count. Stryfe covers Instigator to get the win.

Winner: Stryfe via pinfall.

Futko(c) vs. Mack Daddy

Mack Daddy makes his way to the ring first in his new ring attire, a leather jacket and ripped jeans. The World Champion Futko enters next wearing attire that is...well lets just say you wouldn't be surprised that Futko would wear it. It's a straw hat and a pyjama shirt that is far too tight for him. The match starts quickly as Mack Daddy flies off the tramp kicking Futko in the gut. He continues to lay out the punishment on Futko. Futko gets laid out before receiving a elbow drop from the Mackster. Futko battles back and brings out the weapons. Futko hits Mack Daddy with a cookie sheet and nails him with a long plastic tube. He grabs a chain a begins to choke out the former KFC Champion. Futko throws Mack Daddy into the ring and goes for a bulldozer. MD jumps out of the way and chicken kicks Futko. He jumps on top of the world champ and suddenly the screen goes fuzzy. Sober by Tool begins to play and when the picture comes back, Heat is at the entrance. Heat hits Mack Daddy and Futko across the head with a chair and kicks them to the outside. He kicks Futko against the fence and gets on the tramp and delivers a Terminator. He grabs Mack Daddy and gives him his own move, the MackDown. He then gives him a Terminator just like Futko received.

Winner: No Contest via Heat's Interference

Heat sits on the edge of the tramp and laughs at what he caused. He said it's his turn to get a title shot against Futko, but since Mack Daddy was putting up a good fight earlier why not make it a three-way match at Hardcore Halloween. He laughs again and walks off.

Heat vs. Omega

Only four wrestlers have ever held both the World and eXtreme titles in TCW. Two of them, Stryfe and Futko, currently hold a belt. The other two are Heat and Omega. The TCW Executive Committee decided that these two would be the best to wrestle in the first ever Backyard Championship match. Since Heat and Omega have both held both both TCW title belts, the winner of this match will be TCW's first ever Triple Crown Champion. Heat enters first. He motions his hand toward to the entrance and out comes the Instigator. Heat gives him and couple bucks, it looks like Heat's buying his services for the night. Omega enters next. He says that if Heat needs someone the watch his back then maybe he should have someone too. He calls out Futko and shakes his hand. The match begins and Omega slams Heat into the fence, creating a bloody mark on Heat's back. They trade off moves and never really make it into the ring. Meanwhile Futko and Instigator keep a close eye on each other, not getting involved at all. After a standing dropkick off a chair, Heat throws Omega into the fence. Heat goes for the Terminator but Omega moves. Omega gets a small advantage but Heat battles back. Moves again get traded off and Omega whips Heat into the tramp. Heat grabs onto the tramp as his entire body flies up. Omega grabs Heat's legs in a reverse powerbomb position and drops Heat's face across the edge of the tramp. This dazes Heat enough to be pinned and Omega is awarded the Backyard Title.

Winner and NEW Backyard Champion: Omega via pinfall

After the match Heat gets up and along with Instigator attack Omega and Futko from behind. Instigator Heat motions to the back and a large suited man walks out and helps attacks Omega. Futko gets Instigator down and ADHD runs out to save Futko. He runs over to Futko and clotheslines him. What the hell!? Heat, ADHD, Instigator and the man in a suit surround Futko and beat the crap of him. ADHD breaks a chair seat over Futko's head and Futko gets chokeslammed on a garbage can by the big suited guy. Futko is positioned and Heat gives him a running Terminator. Omega comes to the resuse knocking down the attackers and helps up Futko. He then starts to pull a nearly unconscious Futko to safety, but then bulldogs him onto the garbage can. What's going on?! Heat and Instigator attack Omega again. Futko gets up, up revealing a huge gash around his nose. Omega and Futko get beaten up some more and Heat tells the world that this was his surprise. Heat and the others pose in front of the banner as Chaos! goes off the air.