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Hardcore Halloween III began with Random Acts of Violence coming to the ring for a promo. Heat got a microphone and began to talk about what had happened to RAOV at Doomsday 2001. He mentioned that Instigator didn't have a very good night because he lost to Prodigal. Heat said that he saw better things in Instigator's future. Heat said that ADHD didn't have a very good showing at Doomsday 2001, in fact he didn't even get a match at Doomsday 2001. Heat said that ADHD beat Darkside on Chaos! just before Doomsday 2001 began, but that that was nothing special because everybody beats Darkside. Heat said that he saw better things in ADHD's future. Heat said that he too lost his match at Doomsday 2001, but that he couldn't be blamed for that because it was such a great match. Just then, Futko's music started to play and the Huge Phat Party Animal made his way down to the ring.

Futko yelled for everyone in RAOV to quit bitching. He said that RAOV doesn't dance like him. He said that RAOV are like party crashers, and NOBODY likes party crashers. Heat asked Futko why he was even there. Heat said that RAOV have no problem with Futko at all, and that he even finds Futko to be entertaining.

All of a sudden ADHD started getting all jittery and he asked Heat for the microphone. Heat handed him the microphone and ADHD struggled to speak. He managed to get out that he wanted a match with Darkside later on in the evening. Heat said that that's a good idea, and then asked ADHD if he had taken his Ritalyn. ADHD looked away in shame. Heat changed the subject back to Futko, and asked Futko to leave ringside so he and RAOV could finish their promo. He said that no one in RAOV had any problem with Futko, so there was really no point in him being out there. As Futko turned to leave, Heat nailed him from behind with a closeline.

RAOV began attacking Futko on the outside. Futko tried to fight back and managed to get in a few blows including a Tummy Rumbler on Heat, but the attack was three on one and Futko didn't stand a chance. Heat had to be pulled off of Futko as RAOV left ringside and left Futko laying on the ground in agony.

Prodigal vs. Mack Daddy

The shootfighter Prodigal made his TCW debut at Doomsday 2001 and defeated Instigator at that event. He entered the ring looking as serious as always. Mack Daddy's music began, but he didn't enter. We waited a few more minutes, but there was no sign of Mack Daddy. Referee Troy Jones had no choice but to count out Mack Daddy and declare Prodigal the winner.


Prodigal was not happy that Mack Daddy didn't show up for his match. He said that maybe Mack Daddy was at the barber's, getting his mullet trimmed. He said that maybe Mack Daddy was in line waiting to buy tickets for the Rolling Stones' Hip Replacement Tour. He said that he didn't care where Mack Daddy was, he would fight anyone in the back. Omega's music began and The Original made his way to the ring.

Prodigal vs. Omega

Prodigal immediately went after Omega with his finsher, but Omega was able to reverse it and he hit his finisher- the DeKAPPAtater! Omega then went old school, hitting Prodigal with the AlphaBeta. Omega covered Prodigal and the match was over almost as quickly as it began.


ADHD vs. Darkside

ADHD entered for the match he challenged Darkside to earlier in the evening. Darkside entered with a noose around his neck and the match began. ADHD seemed very hyper in this match, and he was able to take control of the match by using his martial arts skills. ADHD demonstrated some unique trips and throws, but in the end Darkside was to much for him. Darkside won the match after hitting ADHD with the Dark Bomb on the outside.


In the Random Acts of Violence locker room we saw Heat, Instigator and Brutus waiting for ADHD to return after his match. ADHD stumbled into the locker room looking very hurt and Heat ordered him to take a seat and to take his Ritalyn. Heat said that he was very dissappointed in how RAOV had been doing lately. He said that Instigator better win his match later on in the evening against Futko. Heat then said the he remembered when he was in a stable that actually won matches and had power. That stable was $@botage and it included he and Stryfe. Heat said that id RAOV kept losing matches, it would make him long for the days when he was in $@botage. Heat then got up and left the other members of RAOV looking ashamed.

Futko vs. Instigator

Futko challenged any member of RAOV to a match after what they had done to him earlier in the night, and he got his wish in the form of a match against Instigator. Disco lights and spolights shined on the entrance area as Futko danced his way out- with a pumkin on his head! Instigator entered next and the match was on. This match was very stiff and very sick. Highlights included Instigator leaping off the trampoline and kicking a cookie sheet into Futko's head, Futko giving Instigator a Tummy Rumbler that started in the ring and landed them both on the outside, and Futko giving Instigator a splash through a table he had propped up against a chair. Futko incapacitated Instigator by handcuffing him to the ring and then proceeded to take out his anger on Instigator with a cookie sheet. After two very stiff shots, Referee Troy Jones stepped in and called for the end of the match because it was getting too brutal. Jones declared Futko the winner by TKO.


In the back, Michael Burton was with Mark Angel for an interview. Angel said that he had no problem facing Heat for the second PPV in a row. He said that he even wrote a poem about it. The poem went like this- "There once was an ass named Heat. He claimed that he could no be beat. I took to the air, when they all said I wouldn't dare, and tonight I will not taste defeat."

We then saw a montage of the feud between Heat and Angel. It showed the highlights from their match at Doomsday 2001.

Next we saw Michael Burton standing outside Stryfe's locker room. He said that he would try to get an interview with Stryfe and he knocked on the door. No one answered, and then all of a sudden Heat open the door and walked out. Burton tried to ask Heat why he had been in Stryfe's locker room, but Heat just walked away.

Mark Angel (c) vs. Heat
Escape To Victory Match

The rules for this match were very simple. The match would last 10 minutes and there would be an unlimited number of falls. Whichever wrestler got the last fall would win the match. Heat attacked Angel from behind as Angel was entering and started to work on his knee. This went on for several minutes, with Heat just wearing down the leg of Angel. However, Heat couldn't get Angel to submit to any knee holds so he changed his strategy and began a more well-rounded assault. The first fall of the match came when Heat blocked a suplex attempt by Angel and out of nowehere was able to reverse it into the Burnout. Angel couldn't take that pain and submitted. Referee Troy Jones raised Heat's hand, counted to three and restarted the match. Heat attack Angel right away, but Angel was able to take the advantage in the match and he took it to Heat for a few minutes. Angel was about to dive off the side of the trampoline and onto Heat when Heat's bodyguard, Brutus, came to ringside and grabbed Angel by the throat. Brutus chokeslammed Angel all the way from inside the ring to the outside. The referee saw this and called for a disqualification. he then ordered Brutus to leave ringside. Heat was upset that Angel won the fall by DQ, but he knew that the damage had been done. Angel was hurt and Heat had a few minutes in order to get the fall that would win him the match. To everyone's surprise, Heat didn't attack Angel. Instead, he left him lying on the ground and began to get ladders. he set up the ladders so that one ladder was lying across the tops of two ladders, forming a platform several feet above the ground. It was the exact same thing Heat had done at Doomsday 2001. He then began to climb up to the top of the platform, only by this time Mark Angel was on his feet and climbing up to the top of the platform as well. At the top of the platform, Heat pucnhed Angel and then superplexed him off the platform and into the ring. He covered him and got the pinfall. Heat knew that he had the last fall in the match, but there was still about a minute left in the match and he knew that he would have to prevent Angel from getting a pinfall in that time. Heat climbed to the top of the platform and flew through the air with an elbow drop. Angel was able to move, and Heat hit nothing but ring. Angel was in serious pain, but he knew that he would have to score a fall if he wanted to win the match. He climbed his way to the platform and then leaped off with a sommersault senton bomb. Angel landed with all his force on Heat. There were under 15 seconds left in the match, and Angel struggled to crawl over to Heat to cover him. Angel got the cover and won the fall with only seconds left in the match. Jones raised Angel's hand and a few seconds later signalled that the match was over.

Mark Angel

Next we saw clips which recapped everything that happened at Doomsday 2001 between Stryfe and Omega.

Stryfe (c) vs. Omega

This match had a lot of excitement going into it. It was the rematch of the main event at Doomsday 2001. However, a new element had been added to the excitement. Everyone was wondering why Heat was seen coming out of Stryfe's locker room. Would we see a reformation of $@botage, the stable that Heat and Stryfe formed two years earlier at Hardcore Halloween I? When $@botage was formed, Heat and Stryfe teamed up to beat on Omega in the main event. It appeared as if the exact same thing could happen again at Hardcore Halloween III. Omega made his entrance and began shouting for Stryfe to enter so the match could begin. Stryfe entered over the fence the way he usually does, but Omega knew that he would and shook the fence, knocking Stryfe off. Both wrestlers gave us the kind of great match we have come to expect. Some of the more notable moves included Omega executing Stryfe's own finisher, the Bytchin' Bulldog, on Stryfe. Both wrestlers hit their finishers, but it was going to take more than one big move to keep these guys down in a match where the stakes were as high as they were. We all expected Heat to interfere in the match, and he did. Omega hit the DeKAPPAtater on Stryfe and looked as if he was going to get a three-count when Heat walked out from the back. Heat nailed the referee and then nailed Omega with a cookie sheet. Heat then offered a cookie sheet to Stryfe and told him to hit Omega with it. Stryfe slowly took the cookie sheet. He was about to hit Omega with it when he paused. He thought about it for a second and then he nailed Omega with it! Heat smiled and he and Stryfe proceed to nail Omega over the head countless times witht he cookie sheets. Stryfe then hit Omega with a Bytchin' Bulldog and rolled him into the ring. Everything was happening the same way it did at Hardcore Halloween I! Stryfe instructed Heat to get a ladder, and Stryfe got one as well. Heat and Stryfe set up the ladders on opposite sides of the ring, with Omega lying in the middle of the ring. Stryfe jumped off his ladder first, hitting Omega with a splash. Heat then jumped off, hitting Omega with an elbow drop. Heat and Stryfe then posed for the camera in the same way they posed back when they were $@botage. Everyone was shocked. Stryfe had turned his back on TCW and had rejoined Heat. Then, out of nowhere, Stryfe put Heat in a choke-hold. It was all a plan! Stryfe hadn't joined Heat after all. Heat struggled to get free of Stryfe and then Stryfe chased him all the way to the back. Stryfe then turned to go back into the ring and was nailed in the head by the World Title belt. In the time it took to chase off Heat, Omega had grabbed the belt and he had just nailed Stryfe in the head with it! Omega covered Stryfe. One... two... THREE. Omega was declared the new World Champion.

Winner and NEW World Champion:

Omega was given the belt and he held it up in celebrating. Stryfe stood up with a stunned look on his face. It looked like his plan had been brilliant. He used Heat to help him beat up Omega, but in the end Omega had robbed him. Stryfe just stood there with a look of disbelief on his face. Out of nowhere, Heat ran up behind Stryfe. Just before Heat could nail Stryfe from behind, Stryfe turned around and gave Heat a forearm to the head. Heat went flying and the pay per view ended with Stryfe and Omega staring at each other and Heat lying on the gorund between them.