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Sects And Violence began with a video montage that showed how Omega won the World Title at the special edition of Chaos! called Countdown Chaos! Cameras then showed the ring area and the first match began.

Bulk vs. Darkside

Bulk and Darkside are the two biggest wrestlers in TCW, and this match went the way one would expect and there was nothing pretty about it. Both these wrestlers used their size and knowledge of power moves to wear the other down. Bulk locked the Bite This on Darkside and Darkside passed out from the pain, allowing Bulk to get an easy pinfall.


The cameras showed Mark Angel in the back with Mike Burton, about to do an interview. Angel was cut off by the arrival of Heat and his stable, Random Acts of Violence. Heat wished Angel luck in his match with Omega, and added that he was impressed with Angel's wrestling lately. Heat hinted that there might be a place in RAOV for Angel. Angel said that the only person we will ever trust is himself.

Instigator(c) vs. Little Mikey Walker

Both wrestlers brought their "A" games to this match. On several occasions LMW appeared to have his second ever win locked up, but Instigator was always able to kick out. Instigator eventually beat Mikey with The Eliminator, but Mikey showed that he is more than just a jobber and that he could be a force in TCW some day.

Winner And Still Backyard Champion:

Futko vs. Heat and ADHD
Handicap Match

Futko was looking to get some revenge for what Heat did to him at Harcore Halloween II, but he was going to have a hard to getting any against two members of Random Acts of Violence at the same time. Futko was able to even the score when early in the match he was able to handcuff an already injured Heat to the ring. This took Heat out of the match and left Futko with only his cousin ADHD to deal with. Futko got some revenge for when his cousin turned on him and joined Heat in Random Acts of Violence, but he couldn't pick up the victory. Heat was able to get loose and rolled up Futko from behind to get the win.

Heat and ADHD

Stryfe vs. Mack Daddy

Stryfe came down to the ring and didn't waste any time getting the match underway. Stryfe pulled the Mackster out of the ring and quickly went for the Bytchin' Bulldog, but Mack Daddy was able to escape the move. Mack Daddy then brought out the weapons. The two battled back and forth, but when Stryfe went to the outside of the ring to get a weapon he was attacked by the World Champion Omega. Omega left Stryfe lying in agony on the outside of the ring, and this allowed Mack Daddy to easily hit Stryfe with a flying elbow drop. Mack Daddy covered Stryfe and the ref made the three count.

Mack Daddy

Omega(c) vs. Mark Angel

This was only the second match for the wrestler formerly known as Triple 6 since he was severly injured at Doomsday 2001 and then returned at Countdown Chaos! as Mark Angel. He lasted until the very end of the Countdown World Title Match featuring every wrestler in TCW. Omega beat him in that match to win the World Title, but the TCW executive committee was so impressed with Angel's showing in the match that they awarded him with a World Title shot at Sects and Violence. The match began and Omega quickly showed Angel how things work at the top of the ladder in TCW. Omega showed just why he is one of the best in backyard wrestling, but to Angel's credit he put up one hell of a fight. Omega finally hit the DeKAPPAtater on Angel, and appeared to have the match won, when Heat and the other members of Random Acts of Violence ran out. Heat attacked Omega while Instigator and ADHD attacked Referee Troy Jones. Heat rolled Angel onto Omega and told the referee to count. The ref began counting, but before he could reach three Stryfe ran out from the back and stopped him. Stryfe gave both Omega and Angel the Bytchin' Bulldog. He then rolled Omega onto Angel and left. Referee Troy Jones counted a pinfall and announced Omega as the winner.

Winner And Still World Champion: