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October 19 2004
That's right boys and girls the ICW is back from the dead. I guse it true what they say you can't keep a good thing dead or is that down oh well whatever. Jacob Mercer and his new Partner are proud to bring you the New and Improved ICW. So come check it out.

October 26 2004
Ok the fed is now officially open I will be posting something on the RP board which is a press confrence announcing the opening and all the other goodies but that will be sometime tomorrow as it is 11:30 and I have been up since 4:00am this morning. Also I know some of you may not like the message board but is the best I could find, most of the ones we used to use are either out of service will not let you customize the board or are now charging for there services. If anyone has another board and has tested it then I will be more then willing to move over to that board untill then this is the board. Also if you don't like using the board to rp you can post your RP on a web page and post the link to the rp on the board.