
      A SHOOT Project camera crew waits patiently outside Tropicana Field, as yet noone has arrived. Redemption II is still several hours away and the parking lot is completely empty. Out of nowhere a gunmetal grey 2003 Nissan 350Z swings into the parking lot the engine revving loudly as it tears across the parking lot, before coming to a screaming halt directly in front of the SHOOT Project cameras. The driver side door swings open, and the sounds of Van Halen pour out from the inside. Ben Jackman steps out of the car flashing a smile over the top of the car, at the SHOOT Project camera crew waiting on the other side. Jackman reaches back into the car, pulling out his gym bag and tossing it effortlessly onto the roof of the car. Jackman again leans over digging through the console he produces a thick roll of tape, one of his trademarks, on the way back out of the car he kills the engine and stands up completely, shutting the car door behind him. Jackman pops his neck and steps around the car, wearing a pair of faded blue jeans, his usual black boots polished to a mirror like shine, and a red and black SHOOT Project sleeveless shirt.

      "Well, gentlemen. Its that time again. Time for one of the biggest nights in SHOOT Project history. And who is always right here front and center for every one of these events? Ben Fucking Jackman. And tonight promises to be the biggest night yet. What with the double main event of Instant Heat v.s. Hardcore Style and the Redemption Rumble, hell what more could you ask for?"

      Jackman reaches up on top of the car and slings his gym bag over his shoulder, as he stuff the tape roll into his jeans pocket. He begins a purposeful walk toward the lockerroom entrance of Tropicana Field.

      "But its the Redemption Rumble I wanna talk about right now. Twenty plus men enter, and as usual there are sure to be a few suprises entrances, but I can guarantee one thing. There will be NO Drew Carey in the Redemption Rumble, unlike a certain other fed I can think of."

      Jackman rolls his eyes as he pulls the lockerroom door open and steps into the inner hallways of Tropicana Field.

      "The Redemption Rumble is about one thing and one thing alone. Competition. Proving just who is the best, who has it in them to take it to the next level, who will do everything that needs to be done to win."

      Jackman walks slowly down the hall looking at each door as he passes in search of Hardcore Style's lockerroom.

      "Theres alot on the line tonight, gentlemen. More than has EVER been on the line in any sort of Battle Royal in SHOOT Project history...or well anywhere for that matter. The winner of this year's Redemption Rumble becomes the Undisputed Number One Contender to the SHOOT Project World Heavyweight Championship, while the second and third place contenders will face off next Monday night for the now vacant Iron Fist Title. A title whos last holder was such a fucking badass that the suits decided it best to strip him of the title because they knew that NOONE would ever beat him."

      Jackman laughs out loud at his last comment as he finally finds his locker room door. He pushes the door open and steps inside. He pauses just inside the door to look around a bit and get an idea of what he has to work with before tossing his gym bag into the nearest locker.

      "So three men, will walk out of Redemption with what, depending on the man could be the opportunity of a lifetime. Almost makes me wish I could win the Rumble and still manage to finish second. Take back what is mine, so to speak while still getting my very late shot at what I truly deserve, that being the SHOOT Project World Heavyweight Championship."

      Jackman takes a seat on the bench, and reaches into his pocket removing the tape roll. He begins to meticulously wrap it around his fists, as is his pre-show custom.

      "Its almost time. Time for me to step into the limelight. Time to prove exactly why I'm the holder of the longest title reign in SHOOT Project history and why I'll do the exact same thing with the 'big belt.' It's time for some shit to change around here, and tonight it starts. With two things...A Hardcore Style win in the pre-main event. And my arrival in the Redemption Rumble. And tonight it ends with two things..."

      Jackman holds up his fists toward the camera now both heavily taped. Across the knuckles on the tape..two words are written in Black marker. "LIGHTS OUT"

      The camera fades out on Ben Jackman's fists those two words standing out in bright contrast to the white tape.

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