
      Ben Jackman sits in his lockerroom directly following Redemption II. Dried blood is still caked on his face and upperbody, his left boot is completly untied,and his jet black hair hangs in a loose mass around his face. Jackman face is cold and emotionless, as he reaches into his gym bag removing his cellphone. He holds the phone up to his ear, and waits patiently as the other end rings...



      Three times

      The AT&T Wireless customer...DEL CARVER...you are trying to reach is unable to answer your call, please wait for the tone and record a short message.


      "Hey Del, this is Ben. I'm sorry I flew off the handle tonight. I'm just getting sick and tired of the way shit has been going. I had no intention of taking my frustrations out you, bro. Gimme a call back, so we can get together when I hit Philly. Have a good one."

      Ben Jackman hangs up the phone. He looks at it contemplatively for a moment before setting it beside him on the bench as he reaches down to pull his boot off. The boot releases his foot with an almost inaudible pop. Just as Jackman leans over and begins unlacing his right boot, his cellphone rings. Jackman picks it up, his eyes immediatly going to the LED Screen.


      Jackman picks up the phone a faint hint of a contented smile playing across his lips. Jackman answers the phone, his smile slowly widening.

      "Hey baby, whats up?"

      Stephanie's voice comes through the line, sounding a little strange to his ears. Jackman shakes his head, and decides to ignore it.

      "Hey Ben. Good news. Well...for me. I just hit the Lotto, Ben. Fifty Million Dollars."

      Jackman's smile widens almost all the way across his face.

      "Thats great, baby. Congrats."

      "Well,I suppose you know what that means, Ben?"

      Jackman's eyebrow arches upward unsure of her meaning.

      "What's that?"

      Jackman can hear Stephanie taking a deep breath on the other end of the line.

      "It's means we're through you piece of shit. Thats what it means."

      Jackman's jaw drops in shock, his body goes completely limp causing the phone to slip from his hand. Jackman manages to catch is just before it hits the floor, and pulls it back to his ear...catching Stephanie still mid-rant.

      "What the fuck is that, Ben? You think you can just waltz back into our lives and everything is just kosher fucking dill? Is that what you thought you stupid fucker?"

      Jackman is taken completely aback,he tries in vain to stammer out an answer...something...anything.

      "Thats right you dumbshit, you heard me. Stutter all you want, it won't change anything. You always were dumber than a box of shit anyway. I used you Ben, every minute since I called you back after Impulse, and you followed along like a little blind puppy."

      Jackman continues to try interject.


      "No, Ben. No butt, Ass. You look like an ass. You know you shouldn't have even come back. Do you have any idea how much the last three hours have hurt my son? Do you have an idea? Just to realize for the first time that his dad is nothing but a big bag of wind. A man that talks all the shit in the world, but can't back a word of it up. How do you think he felt to discover that his dad is nothing more than a fucking glorified jobber?"

      The first hint of anger creeps onto Jackman's countenance as a single tear slides down his cheek.

      "That's right motherfucker. You will NEVER see my son again. EVER. You don't deserve it,you fucking loser."


      Jackman finally finds his voice, turning the earpiece away from his ear momentarily to yell directly into the phone.

      "Now you listen here BITCH..."

      It slowly sinks in that Stephanie has already hung up, Ben pulls the phone from his ear, and stares at it for a moment before hurling it into the lockerroom wall.


      The cell phone falls to the floor in several pieces completely destroyed.

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