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Sunday May 4th at 1:00pm...and card is subject to change...more open matches are available..Thank You

Main Event

Manson's Playground Match:

StiTch vs. Nightmare

StiTch chokes out Nightmare early in the match with a rope.

StiTch used a tornado DDT onto two steel ladders.

Nightmare comes back with a huge choke slam.

StiTch leg drops the ladder just as Nightmare goes to pick it up...sending the ladder into the face of Nightmare.

Stitch uses a trash can lid and does a flying led drop to Nightmare's head.

Nightmare uses the powerbomb to put StiTch down.

Genoside runs in to help StiTch get the win. Genoside holds the Trash can lid on Nightmare's face while StiTch jumps off a ladder kicking the trash can lid right in Nightmare's face.

Single Match:

Hugh G. Rection vs. J-Rod

Both of these men had one hell of a debut single matchup. Both men pulled out some nice moves. J-Rod got the win.

"Old YCW Rumble:

All YCW Wrestlers

The rumble came down to IQ, Reject, Genoside, and The Big Craze. Reject ended up the winner after he used a version of the TKO on Genoside.

4 Way Tag Title Match:

Eaztzzidaz vs. "The Payroll"


The New Porn Stars vs. West Coast Boys

Davis Dong hits his f-4 1/2 on Prime Time Mike Noland.

Mike Noland clubs the back of Johnny-D.

Mike flys off the top with an elbow.

After both members of West Coast Boys were taged in they got the pin on each other wining the CBW Tag Titles.

Retirment Match:

The Preacher vs. Mr. One Night Stand

Well before the match started Mr. One night Stand anounced that today was his last CBW match. He beat the living hell out of the preacher. He gave Preacher multiple slaps and belt shots. Remarkable Preacher was able to still get the win with his 11th camandment. Making this Preacher's first ever win in CBW.

Light Weight 3 Way Match:

Viper vs. Syfer


Syfer made a great first impresion going against the CBW lightweight champion and Morbid. All three men were able to pull out moves that were never seen before. When it was all said and done though Viper was able to keep the title by putting out Morbid while he put a kick a inverted brain buster type move on Syfer.

3 Way Extreme Match:

Cold Hard Ca$h vs. The Big Craze vs. Incubus

Both Ca$h and Incubus were surprized to see The Big Craze make his return for this match. The match was just as good as the first time these three meet at 3H.O.D. Craze dominated the match with his power and Incubus came back with every thing he had. Ca$sh even being the smaller of the three came out with the win after using a bunch of speed and areial moves.