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Main Event

Tag Title Street Fight Match:

West Coast Boys vs. Eazztziddaz

This was one of the most brutal street fights in the history of CBW. There was a huge fued between the two teams and when they finally went head to head all hell broke lose. Both teams gave it there all. West Coast kept Johnny-D in the ring as much as they could to try to isolate the man but when Johnny finally made the tag the Eaztzidazz used some tag team tactics and ended up winning back the Tag Team gold.

#1 Continder for LW Title Match:

StiTch vs. Morbid

Morbid and Stitch went at it for a good while each man dishing out the pain. Towrd the end of the match Morbid hit his finisher the Hevans Demise but StiTch managed to kick out and make it back to his feet. StiTch went for the superkick on Morbid but Morbid moved and the reff got the kick instead. While the reff was down Genoside ran out to the ring and delivered his own version of the F-5 to both StiTch and Morbid. He then rolled Morbid ontop of StiTch and woke up the reff. Morbid got the win and will face the winner of the Light Weight Title Match at the next show.

#1 Continder for Extreme Title Match:

Genoside vs. Nightmare

Mark Brown had come out to the ring to talk about some Payroll buisness. Nightmare's music hit and nightmare came out to the ring. Nightmare demanded a match with Genoside because of how Genoside cost him his Manson's Playground Match at the last show. Mark Brown thinking that Prime Time M.N. was there said no to Nightmare. When Mark realized that Mike was gone he said yes and why not have the match right now. the match started and was one great match between two of the very first members of this company. Genoside desplayed some great power during the match by doing slams and a dvd variation to Nightmare. Nightmare fought back with massive power moves but at the end of it Genoside came off the later and fliped over Nightmares head taking him right into a stunner for the win.

3Way Match:

Incubus vs. Prime Time Mike Noland vs. D-Day

Lightweight Title Match:

Viper vs. Syfer