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July 6th at 1pm


- No DQ's.

- Pin falls are a five count not a three as normal.

- You can only submit if you are bleeding.

- There must be a winner.

Main Event

Lightweight Title Ladder Match

Viper vs. Syfer (champ)

One of the best matches in CBW history. Syfer and Viper made a new name for Lighweight wrestling in CBW. Both men went through table after table. Both men gave it everything they had. the fans were on the edge of there seats. Viper took to the sky as only he can on many ocasions. After Viper hit the V.I.P. splash through a table onto Syfer he made his way to the ladder and gained the CBW Lightweight Title back.

Tag Team Match

The Preacher & D-Day vs. The Payroll


The Preacher was going into a handicap match against the Payroll but D-Day made his way to the ring to team up with the Preacher. The Payroll had the advantage throughout the match due to there special reff. Mark Brown. The match ended when Prime Time Mike Noland hit his new T.K.O. move and used the ladder to post his feet off of for the pin. Reff. Mark Brown "didn't see the use of the ladder".

*Sin Rules* Grudge Match

StiTch vs. Genoside

StiTch was using many kicking combinations through out the match. StiTch was puting out the pain left and right but the tied of the match easly changed hands after a few bad kicks that didn't conect. Genoside took everything StiTch had the Tragedy Twizt and the Trash Compactor but still Genoside kicked out. Genoside finnaly ended the match with his new finisher the Homiside. After the Match the old Kin of Sin made there way to the ring and the Kin of Sin was re-born.

*Sin Rules* 3-Way Match

Incubus vs. Morbid vs. Nightmare

One great Sin Rules match. Though Morbid was the smallest in the match he gave some nasty chair shots and put up one good fight with the two huge men Incubus and Nightmare. The match went in all directions with wepons everywhere but when the dust had cleared Nightmare was the winner of the match using his DDT to Hell on Incubus while Morbid was still out due to a Sadistic Slam delivered by Incubus.

Musical Performance

Mark and Mike perform: Stepdad Petie & Prison B**** from there album Sweet and Sour Pork

Grudge Match

Cold Hard Ca$h vs. Devon Dream

Devon Dream came out to the ring and started to bad mouth the crowd and then started to bad mouth Cold Hard Ca$h and his girl Dimond but when Ca$h made his way to the ring Devon paid for it. Ca$h got the pin and the victory quick using the Money Maker Moonsault.

CBW Title Match

(champ) Johnny-D vs. D-Day

Owner Mark Brown gave D-Day his Championship Title Match against Johnny-D in the very first match of the night. Not a bad way to get a good show started. D-Day gave it all he had but in the end it was Johnny's Mile High Power Bomb that got the pin and Johnny-D walked out still CBW Champion.