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IWA Friday Night Suicide
06/13/03 @ 10:00 PM Eastern


[the crowd boo's as Taj Escobar appears up on the screen]
Slick Rick Carter:Taj Escobar first off all let me say it is a pleasure serving under you
TAJ Escobar: Isn't it though...
Slick Rick Carter: Now we've seen what was started between you,Michelle and Pebbles but the diffrences in opion started a fued between "The Empire" Chris Michaels and the IWA world champ Kidnes,so how do you feel abou this? And do you see and end to the Millitia?
Taj Escobar:KidNes has been my boy for a long time now, cept that lil stint whre he was porkin Paulina, but we wont get inta that...but he's been my dog for a long ass time, but homie needs to get his fuckin head straight and figure out what really matters na mean? He's lettin some drama with some triks come between me and him, and shit aint right...but he needs to make a choice, and far as the end of the Militia? You must be crazy... A lot of members have came and went, Chris Omega, Chris YounG, hell even Sunny...but one things remains constant... The Militia has been lockin shit, and will continue to lock shit down, no matter what the outcome of this bullshit happens to be
Slick Rick Carter:In the main event at Sun Burn do you plan to call it straight down the middle?
Is there any other way i could call it? Everyone knows TAJ Escobar is a fair man (taj smiles devilishly) I'm just there to make sure that there are NO mistakes, like some of our officials may make. I mean, the Madhatten Malice Match is my signiture match, and this is the first time in IWA two superstars that arent, me, are competing in it...So i dont think there is anyone more cut out for the job...
Slick Rick Carter:And Finally do you have any final comments?
Taj Escobar:Ya...Break ya Self Fool!!!

[Havoc vs. Showtime vs. The Demonstrator]

{The IWA logo zooms in and out and then fades into black as Rap Superstar plays as highlights of last week are shown,fireworks explode on the entrance ramp and we cut to the annoucers table}
Ken:We're only on week away from Sun Burn
Travis:It's going to be amazing,Chris Michaels,Kidnes,Taj,Michelle,Pebbles? What more could you want
Ken:I don't know,but thats then and this is now,so lets go get a bit of the action now
{The music of Showtime, 'The Ectasy of Gold' by Ennio Moricone, begins to play as he makes his way to the ring. He walks with meaning and always playing to the crowd. He smirks as he climbs into the ring. Then 1 of his other 2 opponents make his way to the ring.. Cut My Life into Peaces... I've reached my last resort... Suffocation,No Breathing
{The arena lights flicker on and off}
Dont Give a fuck If I cut my arm Bleeding... Would it be wrong would it be right If I took my Life tonight, Chances are That I Might
{Havoc comes out from behind the curtains raising his arms.}
Mutalation out of Sight...And Im contemplating suicide... {Havoc stops at the top of the ramp,lowers his hands as Sparks fly from the rampway.}
Cause Im Losing my sight...Im losing my mind...Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine... {Havoc then flexs in front of the crowd,and gets a nice reaction.}
Nothing's alright...Nothing is fine...Im running and Im crying... I never realized I was spread too thin... Til it was too late and I was empty within... {Havoc then lowers his arms and begins walking down to the ring.}Hungry...Feeding on chaos and living in sin No love for myself and no love for another... Searching to... Downward Spiral...Where do I begin... It all started when I lost my mother... {Havoc then stops at the bottom of the rampway and looks through the crowd.}
find a love upon a higher level.... Finding nothing but questions and devils...
{Havoc rolls in the ring bounces off the ropes and jumps to the middle rope of a corner throwing his arms in the air] Cause Im Losing my sight...Im losing my mind...Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine... Nothing's alright...Nothing is fine...Im running and Im crying... [Havoc jumps down the ropes and begins swinging his arms back and forth..Awaiting his next victim.] I CANT GO ON LIVING THIS WAY....then finally the last competitor for this match, The Demonstrator makes his way to the ring. 'Let The Bodies Hit The Floor' by Drowning Pool cues up and the man they call the Demonstrator makes his way to the ring. He shakes no hands and only focus' at the task at hand, the 2 opponents in the ring..}
{The bell rings and the 3 exchange punches with eachother. Eventually The Demonstrator gets the best of the two by knocking each down with a pair of round house rights. The crowd goesd crazy as he begins to taunt them. The Demonstrator then begins to kick both of them while they are down and slowly picks up Havoc. He whips him into the ropes and nails a clothesline that sends Havoc crashing down onto the canvas. Showtime begins to get to his feet as Demonstrator begins to play to the crowd once more. Showtime sneaks up behind him and low blows him. Showtime with the pin..}
Ken:Quick pin!!So what match are you looking foreward to?
Travis:Eventhough ALL the matches will be great,I'm really looking foreward to the title vs. title match and best of all Taj is refing,finally a fair ref
Ken:What an ass kisser
{Demonstrator gets his shoulder up. By the time Showtime rises to his feet he is greeted by a super kick from Havoc. Showtime hits the mat with authority. Havoc picks up Demonstrator and pushes him into the corner, he then proceeds to hammer him with lefts and rights to the gut. Showtime sees this and grabs Havoc by the waist and throw him over his head with a belly to back suplex. Showtime climbs on top of Havoc and begins to pummel him with repeated rights. He picks him up and locks on Time Bomb a modified version of the million dollar dream!! The crowd is estatic as the ref goes to raise Havocs hand...}
{Almost out of nowhere The Demonstrator comes from the top rope crashing down on both Havoc and Showtime with a double axe handle. Demonstrator gets to his feet and picks up Showtime. He puts him between his legs and nails a Powerbomb. He goes for the cover..}
Ken:Thats it!
Judy Williams:Your winner,The Demonstrator

[Sunny Interview]
{we cut backstage to see Staci Simmons standing with Sunny the Daredevil}
Staci Simmons:This Sunday you face Rick Knight and Dade Davis in a triple threat match for the T.V. title what are your thoughts and feelings on this?
Sunny the Daredevil:I feel very confident that I am going to kick there ass and they have no chance on winning. Rick KNight one hell of a wrestler but I will still win since I am the DAREDEVIL!!!
Staci Simmons:Some may disagree with that but do you have any final comments?
Sunny the Daredevil:I am going to be your new TV champion. Just wait and watch. I will do the five star frog splash and the swanton bomb. I am going to beat the hell out of them casue I am that damn good!!
{we cut to the annoucers table)
Ken:What do you think?
Travis:Sunny all the way,he's the man
Ken:His name is Sunny?::shakes head:: back to you Staci

[Niji and Fire Interview]

Staci Simmons:At Sunburn you will defend your tag team titles against Svetlana and Sashsa,do you really view them as a threat?
Niji: No.
Fire: Not at all. Svetlana and Sasha are a threat to them selfs.
Staci Simmons:Intresting,would you like to further explain that?
Niji: Explain what Staci?
Staci Simmons:The fact that you think Svetlana and Sasha are a threat to themselves
Fire: It's very simple Staci. Svetlana and Sasha can only be a threat to themselves. They think that very single male superstar is scared of them. They are only scared of themselves.
Staci Simmons:And do you have any final remarks?
Niji: Yea. At Sun Burn is going to be the only time that Svetlana and Sasha will get close to the IWA Tag Team Championship.
Fire: Svetlana and Sasha, at Sun Burn you two no good put togeather tag team will be burnt down to the crisp. Once you mess with fire you are going to get burnt.
{we cut back to Judy Williams}

[Corey Letson vs. Tone Capone vs. Adam X vs. Kevin Sores vs. Gangsta vs. Night Train vs. Brooks Robinson]

Judy Williams: The Following contest is an 8 man elimination Battle Royal. First, Already in the ring,Nightrain Gangsta!,Introducing first from Charlotte,North Carolina,Brooks Robison.
{The Crowd Boos heavily as "Debonaire" by Dope Blares out as Brooks Robison walks to the top of the ramp. Looking Sly and Cocky, he walks to the ring Bobbing his head back and forth as if he has no worries.
Judy Williams: And his opponent, Weighing in at 254 pounds, From Lafayette, Indiana, Corey Letson!
{Once again the crowd gives A very unwelcomed Boo and Letson walks out to the ramp. He put's his hands up in the air and proceeds to the ring. }
Judy Williams: The next participant, From Las Vegas,Nevada , Weighing in at 275 pounds , Tone CaPone!
{Tone walks out and get's an uneven pop. He too walks to the ring and waits.}
Judy Williams: Next, Weighing in at 273 pounds , From Tampa,Florida Adam X!
{The crowd cheers as Adam X walks to the ring and joins the rest of the Men.}
Judy Williams: Wieghing in at 300 pounds , From Tuson,Arizonia, Kevin Sores!
The Crowd cheers again and Sores comes out to the ring looking very confident.
The Crowd Now Erupts as Kevin Sores comes out onto the ramp very Pumped up. he runs down to the ring and Slides in. Tone Capone and Gangsta begin Stomping away at Night Train. Letson and Robinson begin going at it in one corner, and in the middle of the ring sores and Adam X begin to Battle. The crowd is going crazy and Suddenly, The lights go out and everyone goes to dead silence. "Enter Sandman" by Metalica Blares out and one side of the ramp lights on fire. The Blaze quickly spreads to the opposite side, and A grey light illuminates the entrance. A dark figure walks out, right through the flame and begins going to the ring. The Gret Light now is on the center of the ring. The closer the man get's to the ring, the brighter the light get's. He steps Through the ropes and Tosses his Black robe off. When it Hit's The ground, A huge boom goes off, revealing the man as "The Darkness". The Bell rings and Darkness emediately goes after Gangsta. All of the men continue to Battle and Darkness already has Gangsta tetoring on the ropes. Tone Capone comes over and gives A huge Push and Gangsta goes over the ropes and onto the floor.
Travis:There goes Gansta
back in the ring, Adam X and Corey Letson battle it out, exchanging fist after fist. Tone Capone is now Stomping The Darkness in the corner, and Robinson goes over to join the stomping. Adam X whips Letson into the corner where the two men are stomping away at The Darkness, and this sends Robinson slamming face first into the turnbuckle, busting his nose wide open. As he staggers back, Night Train grabs his arm and head, and throws him almost over the ropes. Robinson slides back in under the ropes and goes for Night Train. He grabs Night Train and Belly - to - Back Suplexes him hard onto the mat. The Darkness then begins kicking at Night Train. Robinson get's up and Joins The Darkness in the beating. Both men kick with all of their might but Adam X FLies off the top rope and delivers A vicious double clothesline, knocking both men down. Tone Capone Capitalyzes on X and picks him up, only to DDT him right back onto the mat. As X Stands Up, Corey Letson flies out of no where and nails him with A forearm, backing him into the ropes. Robinson now Stands up, and Tries throwing both Letson and Adam X out of the ring, but Night Train Spins him around and kicks him in the Stomach. Robinson Bends over, and Night Train picks him up and PowerBombs him over the ropes and onto the floor.
Ken:And there goes Brooks Robionson
Tone Capone sneeks up on Night Train and Throws him over right after Robinson, but Train holds on. He Stands on the apron and Capone gives him A dropkick through the middle rope. Night Train lands on Robinsons fallen body, and Kips back up and grabs the bottom rope. He somehow hangs on and slides back in, never letting his feet touch the Floor. Adam X now Has The Darkness Up on The Top Rope. X's back is facing the crowd, and The Darkness is facing him. X Picks up the Darkness half way for A front Face Suplex, but the Darness Blocks it. Darkness Now picks up Adam X and Front Face Suplexes him Off the top rope throwing him crashing right through the announcers table.
Judy Williams: Adam X has been eliminated.
Kevin Sores emediately capitalyzes on The Darkness having his back to the ring. He climbs up on the second rope and Gives Darkness A Belly to Back Suplex, both men crashing hard onto the mat. Letson Hit's off the ropes and gives both men A spinning splash, doing more damage to himself than anyone else. Night Train and Tone Capone battling it out once again in the Corner. They exchange fists, all the while moving towards the center of the ring. Capone Pushes Train into the ropes and whips him to the opposite side. Capone goes for A clothsline and Train Ducks. Capone now bounces off the ropes and both men meet in the middle and colide Clothslines. Now All five (5) remaining men lay in the center of the ring. Sores Scurries to his feet, as does Capone. Capone Whips Sores into the ropes and jumps down face first onto the mat. Sores Jumps over Capone and goes to bounce off the ropes again. At this time, The Darkness is using the ropes to pull himself up, and Sores flies backwards over the ropes and onto the floor.
Judy Williams: Kevin Sores Has Been Eliminated
The Darkness now to his feet, goes over to the fallen Corey Lets on. He picks Letson up by the head and Pushes him back into the corner. At the same time, Tone Capone has Night Train in the opposite corner. Capone and The Darkness meet eye's, and whip their respective men to meet in the middle of the ring. Instead, Night Train Leap Frogs Letson, and Letson Nails Capone, sending him over the ropes, and The Darkness Ducks and Back body Drops Night Train out of the ring. The Crowd Boos hard, being the fact of Night Train being the Fan Favorite.
Judy Williams: Tone Capone and Night Train have been Eliminated.
The Darkness and Letson Meet eyes in the Center of the ring. They Both bot opposite ropes, but then stop. Then they both grab eachothers arms to whip eachother into the corner and stop. It seems that they both keep going for the same move. They once again try whipping eachother into the ropes, but When The Darkness Stops, Letson drop toe holds him, and Grabs his legs. Letson Put's The Darkness into A figure four. The Darkness Now Screams in pain, and then begins to reverse the hold. Before he can, Letson let's the hold go. Darkness Then Struggles to get to his feet, rubbing his knee's. Letson walks over to Darkness, but Darkness Elbows him in the mid-section and grabs his head. He Jumps up and Drives Letsons face into the mat. Letson Staggers up, and Darkness bounces off the ropes, but Letson Ducks. Letson now hit's off the Ropes and collides with The Darkness. Both Men Fly over the Top rope, but LETSON HANGS ON! The Darkness Falls to the Floor, and Letson Flips himself back into the ring.
Judy Williams: The Winner Of The Match, Corey Letson!!!!!
{His music Blares, the crowd cheers, and he leaves. }

[Duncan Cole vs. Donnovan Vega]

Ken Hilton: Well up next we have what should be an interesting contest. the winner will advance in the xtreme title tourny taking place.
Travis Carter: Judy... it's all you girl.
Judy Williams: The following is 2nd Round X-Treme Title Tournament Match .....Introducing first, from Boston, Mass...weighing in at 266 pounds...he is Duncan Cole !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ['Broken' by Twelve Stones hits and the crowd starts to boo as Duncan cole appears and makes his way down to the ring.]
Judy Williams: And his opponent...from Parts Unknown...Weighing in at 245 pounds....THE IMMACULATE....Donnovan....VEGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
["Hi-Lo" by JT Money begins to play over the PA system, we see The Immactualte walking down to the ring, with yellow strobe lights going off, then the lights come on, as we see Donnovan Vega,being escorted to the ring, by IWA personel, for his protection. He then gets in the ring, and taunts the fans, and prepares for action]
Ken Hilton: And here we go.


Ken Hilton: The two lock up with a elbow and collar tie-up. Bad idea for Cole to get into a power grapple match with Vega
Travis Carter: Wow, good observation. Did you also notice that the ring has four sides? (Long Sigh) Vega picks him up and in one fluid motion, he powerslams Cole into the mat.
Ken Hilton:Vega is frothing at the mouth over his downed opponent, he looks like your mother at a buffet line.
Travis Carter: Mother jokes at the expense of the play by play guy, real original.
Ken Hilton: (Beside himself) But the play-by-play guy isn't allowed to strike back, you are supposed to be helpless.
Travis Carter: Cole pops up as if nothing happened. Vega smiles in response and charges Cole.
Ken Hilton: Your momma is so....(Mic is cut off)
Travis Carter: Cole ducks the flaccid Clothesline and follows him with a roundhouse to back of his head, sending Vega into the ropes.
Travis Carter:Cole bounces off the opposite ropes and flies at the tangled mess Vega , WOW, He nails him with a high flipping dropkick.
Travis Carter: Vega is flailing on the ground like a dying fish. Cole ascends the ropes mechanically. Cole takes to the air with what looks to be a
Ken Hilton: Spinning bobber. Anyways, Vega avoids it.
Travis Carter:: Dammit, I thought we had your microphone turned off. Vega has rebounded from his unstellar start and begins to pummel Cole with lefts and rights.
Ken Hilton: What is love ?
Travis Carter: (Audible Groan) Vega Gorilla presses Cole and heaves him to the outside. Vega slides out and nails Cole with some stiff shots to the face for good measure.
Ken Hilton: Looks like Cole might need an oil change. HaHa, I slay me.
Travis Carter: I wish someone would. Vega picks up Cole and ouch, ATOMIC DROP ON THE STEEL RAIL. No rest for the weary, Vega picks up the crumpled Cole and whips him into the steel post.
Ken Hilton: Talk about steel on steel violence!
(You hear an audible slap and a whimper. Hilton face is bright red and he has shut up.)
Travis Carter: Vega rolls him back into the ring. Cole seemingly unfazed, gets back up and runs towards the other side of the rope while Vega is still playing to the fans.
Ken Hilton:(Quiet Sobbing)
Travis Carter: Cole runs like he is disjointed. Vega catches Cole in the corner of his eyes at the last moment and drops to the floor. YOWSERS! Cole flips and twists to face him. Vega gets up in amazement at this inhuman feat before getting sent to the ropes with a quick dropkick.
Ken Hilton: (Sobbing like a pregnant bitch.)
Travis Carter:Vega is wide-eyed and seething. He powers back off the rope and catches Cole with a wicked spear. Vega drops on top of Cole and is laying into his face like a jackhammer. No attempt by Cole to cover up his face.
Ken Hilton: crying.)
Travis Carter: That was for every play by play announcer getting his frustration out on the stupid color man. Now, can you be professional for a minute and call the match?
Ken Hilton:
Travis Carter: Good. Vega gets up and begins to play to the crowd again. Cole lifts himself up and fires another roundhouse at him...holy crap Vega caught Cole kick.
Ken Hilton: This is the first match ever that playing to the crowd hasn't hurt the guy right away.
Travis Carter: Vega follows it with a Dragon Screw Legwhip. He pulls him back up after that stunning hit and lifts him on his shoulders. FALL FROM GRACE! This one may well be over.
...............................(Kick Out but you probably knew that when you didn't see the number 3!)
Ken Hilton: Cole kicked out ! Cole kicked out!
Travis Carter: Vega looks frustrated and well Cole looks like he did the whole match, like cold steel. Cole runs up one of the turnbuckles. He does a backflip off, landing behind a stunned Vega who thinks he was going to try a moonsault, and drops him with a thrusting kick to the jaw.
Ken Hilton: That was cool!
Travis Carter: Don't make me smack you again.
Ken Hilton: Whazz-up!
(Another audible smack followed by that sad child like tearing up.)
Travis Carter:Cole in control, he marches towards him, ooooh, Vega lunges at Cole nailing him with a crotch shot . He puts him into the Imaculate Driver, Cole slips out, Vega whips Cole to a corner and runs in with a Lariat. Vega locks on a Dragon Sleeper steps up onto the second Turnbuckle and begins to choke Cole out. Just before Cole taps Vega drops him with a reverse tornado DDT.
Travis Carter: He calls that the Unforgiven.
Travis Carter: Vega follows with the pin.
Travis Carter: Cole kicks out a second to late.
Ken Hilton: Your winner...*sniffle*..."Donnvan Vega"

[Pebbles Interview]

Slick Rick Carter:At Sun Burn you have a shot at the womans title against Michelle but before we get into that what exactly is your relationship with owner Taj Escobar? First your having sex with him now it seems as if your mad,can you please shed a little light on the subject?
Pebbles: That funny, what proof is there that I even slept with Taj. I mean really that is just hearsay. As for me being mad at Taj that is between me and him. He knows what he did. I refuse to go into further details.
Slick Rick Carter:Well like was mentioned you have a shot at Michelle's womans champion,most women don't get a woman's title shot the first month,how do you feel about this?
Pebbles: Well it's ok I mean it is not like I am running around doing flips. When I know I can acheive higher. The woman title is just proving to me i on the right track and I still got what it takes to be a worthy foe.
Slick Rick Carter:You at one point had mentioned that you were after Michelle,so was this entire thing premeditated?
Pebbles: I will do what it takes to jump start people. I went after Michelle because she was easy target and at the same time as I observe various stars from the background it piss me off because the business we know it is going down the drain because wrestle nowaday refuse to give they all instead things are half hearted and lazy. So I wouldn't say it was pre planned because I been checking the Iwa out for a long time before I even signed a contract.
Slick Rick Carter:Well thank you Pebbles and good luck on your match at Sun Burn,do you have any last comments?
Pebbles: You welcome I guess and no I have no final remarks

[John Supra vs. Jason Johnson]

(" Quit Hatin " plays and John walks from the back thru the curtain and down to the ring. He slides in the ring.)
Judy Williams: From Pasadena, Maryland standing 6’5 and weighing in at 265 pounds…John Supra!
(An electric guitar begins to blast through the speakers as "I Stand Alone" by Jackyl begins. After a short pause, "The Rejected" Jason Johnson appears in his usual black cowboy hat, shirt, wrangler jeans, as well as cowboy boots. In the midst of all the lights in the arena, Jason walks extremely slow towards the ring. His face expressionless, Jason focuses his attention straight ahead. Not blinking, or even moving a single inch. In a single instant Jason charges the ring and rolls under the bottom rope, and fires up to his feet. In a rush of adrenaline, he runs to the far right corner and jumps onto the second turnbuckle staring around at the crowd. Staring at his face, you can see anger rising through his good left eye. All of a sudden the lights go completely out, and come back on in just a very few seconds where we see Jason standing in the middle of the ring grabbing his crotch, insulting either opponent or fans.)
Judy Williams: From Oildale, California standing 6’2 and weighing in at 244 pounds…”The Rejected” Jason Johnson!
Travis: This promises to be a great match
Ken: Yes, that’s why it is the Main Event
Ding Ding Ding
[As John Supra is looking at the fans, Jason Johnson turns him around and punches 3 times. He headbutts him. Jason kicks John in the gut and does a ddt. He goes for the cover. [
Travis: Jason Johnson is going for the cover already?!
1…2.John kicks out
[Jason makes John get up and sends him into the ropes. He puts his head down. John kicks Jason in the head.[
Ken: What the hell was Jason thinking?
[John does a Russian leg swep. He runs to the ropes and delivers a big leg drop. [
Travis: Wow, that was Hulk Hogan like!
[John tries to pin Jason.[
1…2…Jason kicks out
[John makes Jason get up and does a belly to belly suplex. He makes Jason sits up and kicks him in the back and then puts him in the dragon sleeper. Jason is trying to move all around but won’t tap out. Finally John releases the hold. ]
Ken: I can’t believe Jason didn’t tap out
[He waits for Jason to get up and tries to do a spinning heel kick but Jason moves out of the way. Jason runs to the ropes and clotheslines John down. Jason stomps on John. He makes him get up and does a powerbomb. ]
Travis: That was a tremendous powerbomb right there
[Jason goes over to John’s legs and stomps on them. He pulls him over to the ropes and puts John’s leg on the bottom rope then drops down on it. Jason puts him in the STF. John is able to quickly reach to the ropes. Jason won’t break the hold. ]
Ken: Jason is just too hardheaded to win this match
[The ref starts counting…1, 2, 3, 4 Jason breaks the hold. He waits for John to get up and does a death valley driver. He tries to pin John.]
1…2…John barely kicks out
[Jason argues with the ref as John gets up. John does a belly to back suplex to Jason. He makes Jason get up and sends him to the ropes. John runs and does the stingers splash to him. Jason almost falls but John catches him and does a northern lights suplex into a pin.]
[1…2…3 Jason’s leg was on the rope]
Travis: That was a lucky break for Jason otherwise this match would have been over
{We cut to the back as Sunny whips Davis into a pile of boxes,he get a cinder block and smashes it over Davis's head}
Ken:OMG!!! Sunny just took out Dade Davis
{Jason pokes Supra in the eyes and hits him with Stand Alone and goes for the cover}
Ken:He got it!!!
{and the scene fades}

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