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latest news


AEPi KX wish Mazel Tov to Brother Shlomo Glowitz on his marraige to Orly English.

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Check our Rush page for more information on how to pledge.

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other information

This space can be used for additional information such as a contact phone number, address or maybe even a graphic.

Welcome to our new website

Welcome to the newly redesigned website for the Kappa Chi chapter of Alpha Epsilon Pi. There are lots of changes to the design and I hope that you find this version easier to navigate and easier to use.

The site is continuously under construction. You will see some design changes and added content as the weeks go by, but we wanted to get the most important sections up and ready in time for Fall Rush.

Our Rush section will be updated with the Rush schedule when that becomes available. Anyone interested in becoming a member should come to these events, meet the brothers, and express their interest in joining our brotherhood.

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