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The DWA:

"I've seen many federations come, and many federations go. But the one constant has been that one way or another, they were all dominated by "All Natural" Nick Kelly. This one will be no different. From the day I walked through those doors and signed on the X, I made it abundantly clear that I would be at the top of that mountain soon, and for a very long time to come. That promise will be fulfilled very shortly. Hell, it's only Natural!"

Hades "The Master of Pain":
"Hades is the inagural DWA World Heavyweight Champion, and the known leader of the stooges known as Bad Omens. He's a man I have faced on two other occasions. The first was a meeting I will not soon forget. The interference of his stablemate, the spine-less wonder, Malice, cost me my WFW World Title. Something I never had the chance to regain. The second meeting just woke up a sleeping giant inside Nick Kelly. Hades, along with Thomas Dsousa, and Chris Neptune, attacked and laid out "All Natural". They will all pay for that one, and it will start at Hades' feet. He isn't a pushover, he has great power and skill. But he tends to overlook the true nature, so to speak, of where his actions with NK will take him. He will learn the errors of those actions."

Adam Masterson:
"Adam Masterson. What can I san about the Kung Fu Llamas man himself? He's a snazzy dresser. A real ladies man. No, but seriously, Adam Masterson is as gifted a wrestler as there is on this planet. Just last week I had to face him for the first time in my life, in a number one contender's match up for the title being held hostage by that Dsousa stooge Hades. He gave me a fight that I will not soon forget, hell, I'm still feeling some of those punches and chops as we speak. I think its safe to say Masterson has what it takes to be a main eventer, maybe even a World Champion someday. That is, if he goes to another federation, or I retire. But he is a true legend in the making."

Bad Omens:
"Bad Omens. Bad freakin Omens. There has never been a group of more talented, yet more misled misfits than those goofs in Bad Omens. It was even back in the days of the WFW when Malice and Hades were one of the most respected tag teams in the world that you could see they were headed down the wrong path. Not that good or bad is the right or wrong way, but to be led by the nose to do someone else's bidding, that's where I draw the line. Hades took my title, Malice interfered to cost me my title, and then Chris Neptune signed his death certificate when helped them on Ambition, 2 weeks ago in thier attack during the main event. There's really nothing else I can say about them. A great deal of talent, but seems like very short amounts of self worth or wisdom. Not to mention really bad career choise's. It's been said before but never meant as much as it does in this instant...Don't hunt what you can't kill! They'll learn. I assure you, they will learn!"

"Ballistic" Bryan Deas:
"Bryan Deas. You know Deas has been around a very long time. There's something so very endearing about Bryan Deas. I think alot of the fans can identify with him. I remember his early days, when he was known as The American Badass back in the XCW. He had alot of raw talent. But he just never seemed to put together the entire package. I know he won a few titles, here and there. Hell, Bryan Deas is who I won my first championship from in this region. I beat Deas for the XCW Hardcore title in my...I think second or third match in this area. I noticed after I left that he wore a few more belts, I think he even won a World Tag Title with Anson Drake, a former affiliate and coat tail rider of yours truly. Deas's biggest problem is that he lacks focus, and to be brutally honest, in some ways, the man lacks a spine. He has the tools, he just needs to learn how to screw or hammer, so to speak."

The WFW:
"The WFW. Make no mistake about it, the WFW was the House that Nick Kelly built. I remember, I had just beat Stunning Stan, and Vanity Showwood in a three way dance for the WFW World Title. I was buddys with Fat Albert back then. I remember getting a call from the Fat Man telling me I needed to meet a friend of his named Anson. This, of course turned out to be Anson Drake. A self absorbed, self defined, legend. Drake convinced me to leave the XCW behind for the greener pastures of the newly formed WFW. So, I did. I walked out of the XCW, World Title in hand, and crossed into this new frontier. Very soon afterwards, I was holding the WFW World title as well. The only person to ever hold the WFW and the XCW World Title at the same time. It was also in the WFW that I met the only true friend I think I have ever had in this business, "The Cowboy From Hell" Kaanen Thorne. It was also there that myself, Kaanen, and Drake formed the single most decorated, and most legendary stable of all time, Dangerous Intentions. After Kaanen left, things weren't as much fun anymore. there was a ton of back stage poloticing in the midst. I had enough. I fought Hades, got attacked by Malice to lose my title, no one from DI was out there watching my back. I knew the time had come. So I left...period. End of subject."

The XCW:
"The XCW. Some might say, where it all really first started. That was the actual birthsite of "All Natural" as one of the biggest names in this sport. Nick Kelly was always around on the independants, but "All Natural" started on those grounds, in those rings. I was a true no one when I got there, but before it was all said and done, I was the single most feared, and most talked about Superstar that federation has ever known. But now its gone, damn near twice removed to tell the truth. back then I was fighting for my life against the likes of Stunning Stan, Richard Ricardo, Blaze, Vanity Showwood, hell even the American Badass was someone back then. After I decided to leave to go to the WFW, and I walked out as their Champion, they tried to pick up the pieces and move on. I'm told they even tried to crown a new champion in a tournament. But the people weren't dumb. The fans may be idiots, but their not all stupid. They stopped going, and started tuning in WFW Television. XCW died the day Nick Kelly walked out the door. No question about it."

"The Raging Inferno" Blaze:
"My good buddy Blaze. The Raging Inferno, as he likes to be called. My former tag team partner, former friend. Blaze was the biggest backstabbing turncoat ever to lace 'em up. We brought him into DI. He turned on us. We eventually forgave him, brought him back in. He turned on us again. Hell, when Blaze found out I was in the WFW, he came down there. He made alot of noise, even challenged me for the XCW title, thinking that if he won it from me, he could go back to the XCW as a hero to the fans, maybe even give new life to the title. Needless to say, he failed. And failed miserably. He's not much to talk about. Never impressed me much after our tag team run. Maybe here he can give Bryan Deas, or Rachel Rivers a run for their money. But I doubt it."

"The Cowboy From Hell" Kaanen Thorne:
"You know they say that in life, if a person has just one good friend. One true friend, then their life has been blessed. I have Kaanen Thorne. Kaanen and I met back in my early days. We drove up and down many highways together kicking up a hell of alot of dust in our travels. I only faced him once in the ring. I got the win, kept my belt, and made the greatest friend I have ever known in this business, or in life for that matter. Kaanen was traveling overseas for some obligations he had. His plane went down. For quite some time, the wrestling world thought him dead, and gone. But I knew better. I knew Kaanen would be back. I feel sorry for these so-called superstars now that Kaanen made his return. They will never know what hit them. These NIWF tag tiles is only the start. Together, we may just have some Dangerous Intentions for the wrestling world. Period!"

Thomas Dsousa:
"Thomas Dsousa. The mouth behind the puppets. The man pulling the strings of Bad Omens, and in some respects, the DWA. I swear this guy must have pictures of the owner with midgets and a speedo or something for them to ever put this guy in charge of the DWA. He's a smart man though. The Don King of wrestling if you would. He was smart enough to try and get Nick Kelly to join Bad Omens. Many people don't know that. But Nick Kelly turned them down.See, Nick Kelly answers to no one. Especially not someone who I truly believe to be the devil himself. There's an old question that a freind of mine, Dirty Streets used to ask. He'd say "What's starting all dis mess?". The answer seems to always lead me back to this one person. Thomas Dsousa."

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