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Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:


Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:


Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

now, befoe getting started

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:


Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

we are all 4CW bookers

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

not PG and SF bookers

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:


Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

we are a team and need to work as said team.

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

just lay it out what we propose Reamer

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

ok, we are looking at going ahead with the idea of wanting to book the cross over matches.

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

this part I agree strongly with.

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

we need to garner intrest in the over all product.

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

not just SF and PG seperatley.

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

as Strung pointed out, we are not the WWE

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

we want everyone to read everyshow

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

and I agree with that.

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

and like reamer said, we have to work together for this thing to work


 Hilds aka GMD has been added to the conversation.


Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

we all work hard, and it'd be nice if everyone involved in 4CW read both shows that we work our asses off making

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

we are 4CW and I want the interest to be that of 4CW

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

As long as everyone is on the same page we should be able to get all of our ideas onto the shows

Hilds aka GMD says:

Are we on the same page?

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

most of us are as of right now

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

that's what we are here to agree on GMD.

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

to get all of this ironed out and finalized.

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

i am not sayign that cross over matches should not happen... but what i am saying is that it shoulnt be all the time...

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

this is the main guys minus our head booker on each show.

Hilds aka GMD says:

We cant finalise without our head booker.

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

yes we can becasue we follows the bunch anyways

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

jsut being honest

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

if we all come to agreement on something, it shouldn't be hard to get verno or cage on board

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:


Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

verno is not a problem at all

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

we will come to an agreement

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

then post it in both bookers sections.

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

he knows whats good and what isn't

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

and he trust Strung and myself

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

can I have the floor

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

and now wholeshow

Hilds aka GMD says:

We wont today. I'm here for about 5 mins, then its only Belly representing the interests of PG.

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

otherwise we would not be bookers.

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

I have that time too, so hear me out

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:


Hilds aka GMD says:


Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

i have about that too.

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

go strung

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

for the most part we have 5 matches a show each correct?

Hilds aka GMD says:


Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:


Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

well, say if one a proving ground, you guys book 4 matches, and sf one, and vice versa

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

just to showcase talents from both shows...

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

keep storylines etc...

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

and occasionally like you guys want, have PG vs SF guys in say title matches.

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

now, what titles would we be dealing with in that interest Strung?

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

i think when you say 'title matches' that is entirly another topic.. because i think the only cross over ttile should be tag

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

Everlast would be an PG ecsluvie and the World eclsuive to SF

Hilds aka GMD says:

See my post on the matter for title matches.

Hilds aka GMD says:

Gotta go. Dinner time. Sorry guys.

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

that's ok

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

seriously, would you feel bad if you had to job someone like TD or Mudvayne?

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

but, this is what I was talking about elevating the Everlast title as your main title.

Hilds aka GMD says:

Can someone copy and paste this and pm me. Cheers.

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

I would have no problem jobbing guys like Auctioneer, etc


 Hilds aka GMD has left the conversation.


Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

ok.. can i just say somet bout the titles a sec..

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

its wrestling, everyoen has to win and lose

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

the match is what matters, not the results.

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

someone can look good and still loose.

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

This makes perfect sense and if the booking team as a whole works together instead of PG vs. SF then all of this works. We can't have ego's running wild

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

exactly. Read Revival!

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

the everlast title is seen on Pg as to be the mid card ttiel... in all honestly, the higher carders would feel a bit beneath them for going for it.. and the mid carders would feel that they have lost the title that they have all been feuding for...

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

i dont think it is possible to elevate that title... and honestly i dont think we should

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:


Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

it would be a PG exclusive

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

well, here's food for thought.

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

you've watched WWE television, right?

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

and if you want the uni title to be a cross title.... then i dont think that would work.. as the PG guys, just aint good enough to take it

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

as little as possible reamer, but ye

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

i'm talking old school days.

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:


Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

why not take the uni?

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

you remember the lowest of low wresltlers holding like the IC title, right?

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

That could be a belt that can still be crossed over once and a while. WE can share it

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

well they would elevate it with bigger names.

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

ok guys, Strung, Mikey, you know my thoughts on things

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

i'm going to get taking off

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

thats cool

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

my girlfriend is here.

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

i will talk to you guys later

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

see ya

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

later man

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

who is left?

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

If one of you guys could let me know what we decide on, that would be great

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:


"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

I'm still here

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

and Belly it was nice meeting you

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

im here.. typing lol

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

u 2

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:


Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

looking forward to future discussions with you man

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

u might regret meeting me tho, haha

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:


Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:


Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

i never regret meeting anyone

Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) says:

later everyone


 Reamer (4CW World Heavy Weight Champion) has left the conversation.


Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

the fact is.. that we have 2 shows, with seperate rosters.... and i think that both shows rosters should be able to have something to fight towards within their rosters....

their is no denying that SF is grades higher than the standard in PG... and to have 1 singles title that is supposes to float between the mid carders between both feds.. it would make it harder for the PG guys to win as the

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

mid card on Pg is of a lower standard than the mid card on SF

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

So belly, did you see a problem first of all, with each show booking a match on the opposite show? SF VS> SF....PG VS PG?

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

i see the fact you dont want to be identical to wwe and i dont blame ya.. but each show needs to have its own 'high card' title and its own mid card title

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

yeah, but if the stories worked you'd have guys jumping shows they would usually be on

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

Well why not have the PG upper card fight with the SF mid card. They are on par with each other

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

for the most part

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

That's why the 3 floaters would work

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

hear me out....

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

before I continue, that was a good idea show...

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

but having the Pg top guys fighting for SF mid card.. is way to demening

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

The Custom is a purely rp based win formula...

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

and I know for a fact you have guys that on any given week, could bust ass and take it.

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

no, i disagree completely... you cant differentiate like that.... you cant say 'yes u r the top guys on that show.. so go fight our mid class guys'

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

all it takes is hard work, and lets be real...the champ could really put out shit and lose

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

ok... how about we comprimise a little... each show have a world and mid card title... and have the tag and the custom title floating

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

don't think of it like lower, mid, and main event.. Just think of it as equal talent level

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

i don;' see it that way either

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

the last thing we need is another belt when the ones we have could be used better

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:


Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

just look at the wwe

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

why award someone for the hell of awarding someone

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

you have to think about the roster though... not how you or i see things, or how we would like to portray things.... the roster do watch wwe.. the roster is mostly teenagers who only know about wwe 1996+ and they will see it as lower card/midcard/upper card... thats what they know about wrestling

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

If we brought the Uni to PG more consitantly it would give you that added title

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

I agree

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

Why not work on booking the Uni title into PG?

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

yes... but here me out...

what you are suggesting is that the highest, the HIGHEST... that any PG superstar can go.. is to hold the mid card of SF

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

no its not

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

not at all

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

I suggest we agree to work together and say to ourselves...hey, we'd like to take a crack at booking (name).

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

why can't PG book SF guys into thier shows and storylines?

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

it is... because the everlast title will always be seen as a mid card title within PG.. thats how it has always been, and all those involved see it as a mid card title...

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

well, if we just exhance talent to would seem like one company and not split

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

I know I wouldn't mind booking some PG talent and I think you guys would like the same

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

and by saying that the world title is to stay on SF (which to be honest, i cant imagine many if any at all in PG, being able to challenge legitimatly for that title)..... you are sayign that they can never wina world title.. and the highest they can win is by putting the top of PG against the midcard of SF.. that is what show suggested before

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

thats not what Im saying

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

I'm not looking at it like a SF vs. PG roster

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

neither am i

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

I'm looking at it like a full roster

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

With bookers who can book people as long as we agree

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

BUT.... when we merged.... that is exactly how it was meant to be!!! it was said that the shows etc would stay the same it was just the booking teams being brought together that would change

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

and with that the rosters and titles

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

its only elementary

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

do you see where I'm coming from?

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

but this is 1 of the arguments that happened within the merger debate.... and it was said that the rosters etc would remainont ehs hows they were on etc

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

so their is obviously 2 clear different rosters

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

yes, each team would work on storylines and such

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

each show would have there own storylines to work with

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

I'm am sure that you have gone over this before but why not have 1 roster and 2 shows to book them on I.E. Raw/Heat?

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

nooo!!! Nitro/Thunder

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

or the old Raw/Smackdown

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

Have bigger shows with more matches. 4 singles titles and one tag title

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

either or strung, just trying to make a point

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

but again... this is not was decided when the feds merged... it just feels that now the merger has gone ahead.. we are finding out more things that go along with this merger.... and things just seem to be changing

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

is change such a bad thing?

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

it is when it happens like this

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

no it isn't

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

things should only stop changing when its perfect

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

whats the big deal? Your still booking wrestlers makeing shows, you just have more people to use

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

more stories to work with

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

and with more talent and more bookers there will be more ideas to work with and more talent to put those ideas into the product

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

the big deal is that this isnt what was decided and what we were told about when the merger happened... it just feels that we were told what you wanted to until the merger happened, and now it has.. it feels like no matter what anyone elses wants, it doesntmater...

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

I want to even out the quality of each show

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

If it's 4CW it has to be the best

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

Why are you so against coming on board with SF?

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

im not against it

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

I think we could run both shows together as a unit

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

i just feel that things have never been what they appeared to be

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

yes we could... but it feels that no matter what any of us suggest, its what you guys want that will happen

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

we want unity

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

they never are man. I wasn't here when the debate took place so I don't know what took place. I am just throwing ideas out here

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

that is why we can't act like two seperate entities

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

Do you not think that our ideas would be better for everyone??

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

if you have some other idea, throw it out here

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

no i dont show

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

i have been, but it keeps getting thrown in my face

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

only because there is a feeling of not wanting to join the overall team

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

I'm not trying to throw anything at you, i am just trying to think of ways to better the overall product

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

for starters to get this unity feel, the rp sections are getting merged

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

show, it was you that suggested earlier... and i quote... "Well why not have the PG upper card fight with the SF mid card. They are on par with each other"

And that comment alone suggests that the highest PG guys can go is to get the SF mid card... why not let Pg have its own world title... what would be wrong in letting the Pg guys feel that they are at the top of the show they are on

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

its all on how they are booked

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

period. its not PG SF

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

no that is just starting out. They can go higher when they get better

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

exactly. no one is stuck on one show

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

its always about getting better

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

I just don't want the roster to feel like PG is a second class show any more so thats why I proposed the single roster

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

ok... you said you dont want PG to feel like a second class show.. but thats what you ar emaking it... by stopping them having their own title etc.. you are stopping them from being seen to be on par with SF

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

they don't need their OWN titles. Put the 4CW titles on the show

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

you say that when they get better, they can move from PG to Sf (because by your own admission, the world title will stay on SF).. so to get beter than uni title, you have to move to SF... and so that instantly creates the feel that SF is better

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

thats not what the intentions are. its all about unity. if PG guys could compete for SF titles, then there isn't any reason to feel like second class

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

anyone could compete for any title they want, as long as they show us they are always improving.

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

I say why not?

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

but i do think that they need their own titles..... when we merged.. correct me if im wrong please.. but wasnt it said that the rosters would remain the same etc...

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

yes.. you are both 'for' this.... and thats ebcause you know damn well.. that the SF guys wouldnt lose their titles to the Pg guys, because they aint good enough... and you cant say that they are, because you know they are not...

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

so book our champions on PG

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

book other SF talent

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

I don't want anyone to say "Well I'll never get to fight for the World title." cause thats not the case. If they want that shot, then they better make it a point to work there asses off like Supreme does to hold that belt

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

it doesnt mater what show your champions appear on.... they are better than the Pg guys.. which means they will never win.. and thus they have nothing to fight for

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

FUCK PG AND SF. think 4CW!

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

you gotta stop sayin that SF is better and PG. its all 4CW and everyone that works hard will get their shot

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

well, Wholeshow, you and I are on page with one another, so I;ll let you carry on the discussion.

Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! says:

I have to head off to work

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:


"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

later man


 Strung13~~Well I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it, in other words consider me branded! has left the conversation.


"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

sorry about that

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:


"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

I understand your concern about this man but I really think that this can work

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

You are still thinking like there is 4CW and O4W.

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

i honestly dont.. because no matter how many times you say 'fuck pg and sf'.. the fact remains, they are seperate shows with seperate rosters.... you guys are on about having 1 cross ove rmatch a week.. that doesnt make the rosters equal... thats just showcasing another part of 4cw...

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

Lets end that then, like we were saying lets have on unified roster

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

2 shows to book a week and one PPV every few months

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

there could be more matches per card with everyone interacting

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

i cant agree upon that, as we said when we started, our head booker aint here

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

I know but you can still agree with me, we just can't act on it yet

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

I mean do you think that is a better idea than what we have right now?>

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

and i still am honestly not happy... because i dont think it should work that way... i am still Pro- what was decided when the merger was announced.. that the shows and rosters would stay seperate still, it would just make movign up and down easier... i dont think that having 1 roster is the answer. because it WILL just end up with all the talent currently on Pg ending up at the bottom of the card

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

Not if they improve. I mean if we keep PG separate from SF, then you are only competing with PG guys thus there isn't much improvement

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

If your guys see that they have an opportunity to fight for say the Universal title, that is more incentive to produce better RPs

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

this is why i suggested to have the custom and the tag titles floating

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

for the time being

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

but if your reasoning is right, none of your guys will ever win because you are saying that SF is sooo much better than PG

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

give Pg its mid card and upper card title... have 1 floating signles and 1 floating tag.. and if it works out and things start to improve... you can always merge 2 titles so their si only 1

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

why dick around with merging titles when you can easily just start with one?

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

and you are saying that the Pg guys can win if they try hard... so what i am suggesting is a comprimise.. we will see how things go for a certain period of time

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

if the pg guys compete well with the sf guys for 1 signles title

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

then progress from their

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

dont jump in with 2 feet

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

if you get to the point where u have to merge 2 of the titles etc.. then you get a good stryline to build up a match at least and that storylien can last a little while

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

so how about that.... let the pg guys prove that they can hack it with the sf guys and if so.. you have got a good storyline when you go to merge titles etc

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

gimmie just a sec

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

well we can build storylines right off the bat using the merger as a reason to feud.

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

I just don't like the idea of creating more belts

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

but this is about giving both sets of rosters.. giving 4cw as a whole time to adjust...

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

yeah I understand that. We could have your top guys be the ones who start out feuding with SF guys and the rest of your roster that you feel isn't quite ready yet would have their time to adjust to everything

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

fair enuf, you dont like the diea of creating mroe belts... BUT... on the same hand, i dont think that the guys on the pg roster are goign to be abkle to challenge for the uni title yet... but i feel they need something to give them incentive...

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

the size of the roster wouldnt hurt it so much to create 1 more belt for PG...

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

they have roleplayed for months now without a title to aim for.. to call their own.. and i think it wouldnt hurt to give them that...

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

they can still feud with the sf guys... if anything the title will give that person who has it, more motivation to feud with the sf guys

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

thats the problem. I think creating a belt ONLY for PG guys would tell them "your not good enough for SF titles so here take this one for yourselves."

Chris... Got to have an MRI scan on my knee says:

but thats y im suggesting tostill have 1 floating singles belt and have 1 floating tag belt

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

everyone can't have a title and every fued doesn't have to involve a title. Just look at Cocozo and Cereb. They had a hell of a feud and there wasn't any talk of a title

"Main Event" Mike Nichols says:

i mean do you understand what I am sayin?