In 1996, actor Ben Stiller created a sketch for the VH1 Fashion Awards about a moronic fashion model named Derrick Zoolander. The sketch was a hit with the audience so Stiller decided to create a sequel and that was a hit also. So, Ben decided to create a movie based on the character.
It is quite possibly, the FUNNIEST movie I have ever seen in my life.
Zoolander is the best movie I have ever seen in my life. I am not kidding you. It is that damn good. I have seen alot of movies in my lifetime, and that is the best. You have gotta see it! It is soooooooooo good. Anyway here is the review.
But his sucess goes straight to hell after he loses the Male Model Of The Year Award to rookie sensation, Hansel (Owen Wilson), also a stupid male model who is more spritual and a hippie compared to the 80's nostagic Zoolander. He wins the male model award but, in a hilarious scene, Zoolander gets it but relizes he loses and is embarrased.
Zoolander is distraught and an article by Matilda Miles (Christine Taylor, Marcia from the Brady Bunch and Stiller's wife), doesn't make him feel any better. After the death of his best friends in a gasoline fight accident (don't ask see the movie to understand), Zoolander retires from male modeling and returns home-to Coal Mining Country-in New Jersey. There, Zoolander is contacted by world renowed fashion designer, Mugatu (played by Will Ferell in a goofy haircut), who wants him to star in his new fashion show, Derelicte. Zoolander accepts.
Zoolander, however, doesn't know that Mugatu doesn't want Zoolander to star in his show. He actually wants him to assaniate the Mayalasian Prime Minister who, if sucessful, will ban child labor in the third world thereby eliminating the fashion industry. So, Muguatu brainwashes Derrick (in one of the funniest scenes I have ever seen), and since Derrick is stupid, it is pretty simple to do.
Meanwhile, Matalida is investigating Mugatu about the Child Labor and stumbles upon the assasination plot. With the help of a former hand model (played fairly well by David Duchovny), Matalida and Derrick relize that male models have been the assasins of the all the major assasinations in U.S. history. From John Wilkes Booth to Lee Harvey Oswald. All were male models. Ha! After, my favorite scene, a walkoff between Derrick and Hansel, the two team up to foil the assaination plot before it is too late.
This leads them to the funniest scenes I have ever seen involving a orgy between Zoolander, Hansel, and Matalida, breakdance fightning, and "Magmun". You must see the movie to understand all that I just said.
That is my review of Zoolander. Feedback is welcome.
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