(I'll admit,I do not know much about Cynthia Lennon.I'm willing to find out.)

Cynthia Lennon was the first wife of John Lennon.Together they had a son,Julian Lennon.

Things to Do:

Cynthia's Bio!

Cynthia Pix!

Here,Cynthia,John and baby Julian.This picture was suppose to symbolize the "typical family" that the Lennons SUPPOSEDLY were.Although raising a family was knowingly tough for the Beatle,it would be years later before anyone understood how hard it was.Cynthia tried very hard to take care of the family and keep it from falling apart.It eventually would end in a bitter divorce and leave Julian with cruel feelings towards his father.

Cynthia,in spite of everything that happened,never got mad at John about his affairs and Yoko.All she did was make sure that he saw Julian every once in a while.

More stuff is coming soon to this page.(i hope.)


Email: btlfreek@hotmail.com