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I dedicate my love to them,
They've been so dear to me,
Although its just a little word,
Means everything to me.
No scorn should ever leave your lips,
No unpleasantness be told,
No hurt should you bestow them,
Be honest and uphold.
Say all the kind words never said,
And mention an "I love you",
It never hurts to be thoughtful,
Or tender hearted and true.
Don't wait to say "I'm sorry",
For waiting can be long,
And can turn into forever,
But forever can soon be gone.
What would you do without them,
For tears don't help the pain,
If you could never say "I love you",
Or could never call their name.
Without them would only be emptiness,
A deep, dark feeling inside,
Speak softly and be courteous,
It never hurts to try.
They've mended all your little hurts,
And dried your tears away,
They've given and forgiven,
They've taught you all the way.
So now's the time to offer,
A little of yourself,
To the two most thought of people,
Who've loved you from the start.
So I dedicate this poem,
To all the mothers and the dads,
Who've put up with all their children,
It's been a wonderful past.

I wrote this for my wonderful parents.


There could be no other Mother
So perfect and so nice
So cheerful and so loving
Sincere and full of spice.
To contend with all my troubles
To put up with all my cares
A mother one can worship
Like a goddess in her prayers.
Not only just a mother
But a woman and a wife
Who does the ironing and the cooking
That always comes out right
So you see there is no other
Than a mother just like you
That her family could be proud of
And Mother---that is you.

I dedicated this poem to my mom.