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The beauty of a flower
The fresh scent of a rose
Is how I think of mother
For she's the one who knows.
About my worries one by one
About my fears and faults
About alot of other things
That others think of not.
Words cannot express the love
Held deep within my heart
For the greatest mom in all the world
Of which my world's a part.
She gave me life when I was born
She watched after me each and every morn
And when I feared for night to come
She was always there until there was sun.
She corrected me when I was bad
She's the best thing that ever happened to dad
For life would be worthless, a bottomless pit,
If her existence here had never been met.
She mended knees when I was small
She kissed away my tears
She did without alot of things
For many, many years.
She's seen the bad times and the good
She's taught me right from wrong
She's never turned or walked away
For me--she's always strong.
She's had so many rolls to play
That no one could compare
Or handle things the way she has
Through the many years.
You picked me up when I would fall
You dried away my tears
You put me on the path again
For many, many years.
You held my hand when I was small
But now she holds my heart
For no one could ever take the place
Or play a better part.
You're in my heart and in my prayers
And God be by your side
For this is the meaning of my mother
For this, she gives me pride.

I wrote this for my wonderful mom