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All I have is memories,
Of the past with you,
We fell in love and got engaged,
We wed in the month of June.
I tried to be the perfect wife,
I guess all newleyweds do,
I wanted you to love me,
The way that I loved you.
When you would hurt my feelings,
I'd just try to forget,
And think it will get better,
But that was my biggest regret.
I cooked for you, I did for you
More than anyone could ever do
God only knows how much I tried
God only knows how much I cried.
When you'd go out and not come home
For hours at a time,
I'd wonder where you were at night,
I'd sit home by the phone.
I tried too hard to love you,
I guess it smothered you,
I would of given anything,
If only you'd been true.
You lied to me time after time,
And I'd try not to ask
But when its dark and late at night
I'd wonder where you were at.
You made fun of me when I would cry
You'd walk off from me or cuss,
But I tried my best to understand
But God knows it wasn't enough.
I'd come home sometimes and find a note
And it would read like this:
"Dear honey, here's some money
The keys and yes, I've left,"
My heart would drop down to my feet
My stomach would get sick
And all I could do was hold your note
For thats all you ever left.
I tried for months and then for years
But things kept getting worse,
And all I heard was "I wish you'd leave",
So I did, and got a divorce.
The pains so hard to realize,
How much you can love someone,
And not know how they really feel,
But rumors keep going on.
I hope that I'll never be hurt again,
By falling in love with someone,
Unless he loves me enough to help,
My bitterness to be gone.
I wish you luck and good fortune,
And maybe someday you will find,
That no one could ever love you more,
Than I did--back in time.