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He walks along the riverbank,
His pistol in his hand,
The night is dark and windy,
He's looking for a man.
Outside somewhere the danger lurks,
But fear has to stand aside,
This man in green protecting us,
Still looking far and wide.
And yet you'll sit and call him names,
And think yourself really big,
Because you deserved the ticket,
But to you--he's just a pig.!
To help a child,
To save a life,
To walk the night alone,
Never knowing where or when,
He might not make it home.
His job is never ending,
The price to pay is high,
It takes alot of courage,
To watch justice not stand by.
The ways of law sometimes unfair,
He does his best to attain,
But justice is not served sometimes,
Its not always a fair game.
So its time to show him some respect,
For the man who wears the badge,
And remember what his job is,
To protect and serve this land.

I dedicated this to the West Virginia State Police