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I knew a soldier--his name was Joe,
He was rejected by his family,
I don't know.
Joe was a fighter,
One we all know,
Joe was a soldier,
Made one proud to know.
I'll never forget that dark, dreary day,
When Joe saved my life,
And gave his away.
We were fighting the Reds,
And when I turned around,
There was a big Meig 47
Taking off from the ground.
Suddenly I decided to get out of there quick,
Because the Meig 47 just couldn't be licked.
Our platoon was pushing forward,
And I heard the lieutant say,
Here comes a Meig 47-----
Get out of her way.
But attacking me then was another fighting Red,
So I didn't have time to notice the big Meig.
I heard a shot, the Red dropped down,
And Joe saw her coming, and pushed me down.
I saw him drop quick,
But not soon enough,
For the Meig 47,
Had filled old Joe up.
With bullets all through him,
And blood pouring out,
I wanted to save him,
But knew it wouldn't help.
Before he died, he said to me,
Leave all I have to my family,
And tell them I'll miss them
And loved them all so
And tell them that they can be proud to know,
That I was doing my duty, like any proud man
But the Lord called upon me,
For another fight plan.
Give a kiss to mama and embrace my dad,
And tell them its better and not to be sad,
Even though he'd been rejected by his family for years,
I wiped away the blood and found only tears.
I know not what happened,
Nor will I ever guess,
But here lies a man,
That was one of our best.