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High above in God's Kingdom,
Way up in the sky,
Lived a beautiful angel,
Whose name was Laureli.
Laureli was most beautiful,
And God loved her so,
Her hair was so golden,
Her skin like the snow.
Her eyes were so blue,
Like the deep, deep, blue sea,
She looked like a picture,
But this couldn't be.
Laureli had a lover,
Whom she had to leave,
For it was her time,
God didn't want her to grieve.
So one day God asked her,
If she still loved him so,
And she looked into his eyes,
I don't want to let go.
So he sent her earth bound to be with her lover,
But she knew that soon they would part,
But she would be happy to be with him now,
If only for a moment somehow.
So down to earth Laureli was sent,
To see her love once more,
And she found him sitting by an old apple tree,
Oh God how grateful I am to Thee.
If only he could hear me or touch my hand once more,
My love for him is timeless,
Like the ocean's depth or floor.
While she was watching him there by the tree,
A tear fell from her eyes,
She looked up towards the Heavens,
I know You're by my side.
My child leave him a present,
A token of your love,
For he can feel your presence,
For he can feel your love.
Upon her hand was a tiny ring,
That her lover had given to her,
And told her never part with it,
Until we can be wed.
So, she dropped the ring beside him,
And while picking a blade of grass,
He discovered the small, tiny ring,
And his heart burst with joy, at last.
He smiled up to the Heavens,
And said "Laureli you were here",
And I shall join you shortly,
Because I love you dear.
So when she returned to Heaven,
God smiled at her and said,
I think someone has come for you,
He said you were to be wed.
He died of a broken heart,
Of which will now be mended,
The journey you will both begin,
Will be eternal and never end.
So Laureli was married,
And she leads a wonderful life,
For she serves the Lord her Master,
And became her lover's wife.