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I used to talk with mama,
Strange as it may seem,
Since my beloved mama died,
And left me here to dream.
I dream alot about her,
She thinks alot of me,
But papa is so foolish,
That he just cannot see.
I told him of her visits,
But he just shook his head,
And kept repeating to me,
You know your mother is dead.
I know,however, differently,
Of the many times before,
When I have talked with mama,
Out, beyond our door.
At night I walk through the garden,
And look up at the stars,
And think about my mama,
And listen for her to call.
She comforts me with laughter,
I see her smile so clear,
But the only thing I wish,
Is that she could be here.
I get so lonely sometimes,
I don't know what to do,
But then I hold her picture,
The one signed, "I love you,"
If I could have one wish,
Just one.....not any more,
I would wish for my mama to come back,
And be standing at the door.
The nights are cold and lonely,
And I have no one here,
To comfort and to guide me,
Since mother died.....last year.

I used to sit and think of mama,
High upon....that old hill,
Of nights when she was oh, so lonely,
Of nights when she was oh, so ill.
Until that dark and dreadful moment,
When she still lay there, with me by side,
Oh, I remember how still she lay there
Her eyes so full of sorrow and sadness,
And papa....his were filled with tears.
As she was waiting for the angels,
She turned her head and looked at me,
And as she held her hand before me
I clutched it and as I started to cry..
Oh God, I begged, I pleaded, please..
Please..don't let her die,
But just then papa shook his head and started to cry.
I looked over at mama's poor face,
And I turned my head for I could not embrace,
My loving mama anymore.
The days, the weeks, the months went by
And poor old papa had already died.
And now, I guess its really true,
That they're both up in Heaven,
Enjoying each other as they always do.
But one of these days,
And not long from now,
I also will join them,
And we are all buried,
Upon our old hill.