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~page design by rhuda~ RHUDA


Alone and little,
Small in size,
Was a boy,
Tears in his eyes.
He sat on the sidewalk,
In front of my house,
He clutched in his hands,
A little pet mouse.
He told me the story,
Of how he was lost,
And he was alone,
Except for his mouse.
He seemed so helpless,
A pitiful sight,
That I couldn't resist,
To leave him out that night.
He said he was hungry,
And asked if you please,
"May I have some milk,
For my mouse and me"?
I invited him inside,
Then saw his eyes glow,
When he saw one of my pictures,
Of horses and snow.
While I was in the kitchen,
I heard the door click,
But I was too late,
And he was too quick.
It was then that I noticed,
Upon my old table,
A little white box,
With a little pinned on label.
The label read: "Nice lady would you be so kind
And keep this little gift of mine"?
As I opened the box,
I started to cry,
For in it was placed,
His little white mouse.