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I hear a small child crying in the middle of the night,
I hear the heartbreaking sobs calling for his parents not to fight.
You see this child has witnessed his mama on the floor,
He's seen his daddy beating her since he was only four.
He's had a father figure that is less than a man,
Fighting and drinking and doing whatever he can.
He punishes his wife and child to make himself feel better,
He sees nothing wrong with this,
So to him nothing matters.
So this goes on night after night,
The cries, the hurt, the pain,
And a little boy sits with his bear,
He begins to play a game.
This game is only made for two,
It helps to ease his pain,
It takes him far away from here,
Upon a beautiful plane.
For within this plane are children,
The most precious ones of all,
That God above has sent for,
That God alone has loved.
For you see these are the children,
That never had a chance,
To live and love and be loved,
By a wonderful mom or dad.
These little gifts from God above,
Shall not cry out at night
Or feel the pain or see the hurt,
Everything will be alright.
A tender touch, a gentle kiss,
A sleepy dream or two,
To never fear or be alone,
Is what I want for you.

Graphics from Castleberry Arts