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I still remember back to the days
When you were very small
My favorite picture is you in your suit
Hanging on the wall.
I remember taking you to the store
And how big your eyes would get
When you looked at all the candy
And wondered what to get.
It seems like only yesterday
That you were graduating from High School
But then you were off to College
With four more years of school.
You always was a smart one
You made the best of grades
You chose your field of studies
And gained your deserved praise.
You met a woman and got married
You had a wonderful life
You became a father and a parent
And didn't sleep at night.
And then like many couples
You had a parting of the ways
But God gave to you the gift of life
In oh so many ways.
For now you have a little boy
That is growing into a man
And he wants to be like you were
And I know with you he can.
For he has the best of teachers
A dad thats good and true
A dad that would do anything
For me or even you.
You've given from the heart for years
And someday you will find
Your rewards will be in Heaven
For all your kind deeds and time.
So as I look back to years gone by
I still recall the days
Of a little boy turned into a man
With thoughts of loving praise.

I dedicated this to Jeff