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What would I do without you,
I've often heard you say,
I never want to find out,
Please never go away.
I cannot begin to imagine,
What turn my life would take,
For there would never be another,
To ever take your place.
We've known eachother for so long,
My world would fall apart,
If ever I couldn't see your face,
My heart would surely stop.
We form the perfect circle,
For which there is no end,
We've shared the kind of love,
That can never come again.
For many search their lifetime,
Looking for that certain one,
That makes your life worth living,
That shares with you and has fun.
They call your love a soulmate,
They're very hard to find,
The one thats perfectly made for you,
In body, soul, and mind.
But if you are among the few,
That finds your perfect mate,
You'll share a life of loving,
A love that just can't wait.
To be with you and share with you,
The good times and the bad,
To hold you close and love you,
Even when your sad.
To count the days, the months, the years,
To count the memories too,
To hold your hand when it is tired,
To try and comfort you.
To grow old together and reminess,
About the days gone by,
And never have to worry,
If they'll be by your side.
And when the final time has come,
To say your last goodbye,
A gentle hug, a tender kiss,
Your loved one at your side.
It helps to ease the pain once more,
Just knowing that your there,
And the kiss thats left upon your lips,
Is far beyond compare.
For the feelings you have deep within,
You've shared your whole life through,
And now its time to be happy,
For soon they will join you.
So what would I do if you would leave,
How would I still go on,
With the help of God from up above,
Our life will join as one.
For I shall follow shortly,
And when my time has come,
I will meet you at the Golden Gates,
My love, my only one.
So I'll never be without you,
No matter where or when,
There will always be a place,
Beside you once again.