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Can you deny me mommy,
Would you look into my face,
I know you've taught me right from wrong,
I know you've given me a home.
I know I'm not the perfect child,
I try to please you though,
I need and want attention,
I need and want your love.
I feel I'm always second best,
No matter what I do,
I've had alot of problems,
I'm trying to work through.
I'm sorry for the things I do,
I'm sorry for things I say,
I feel like I'm not wanted,
I feel like running away.
I've lied to you time after time,
I know it isn't right,
Because you teach the word of God,
And read stories every night.
Can you overlook the things I do,
And think back to the time,
When you were little just like me,
And stretched the truth sometime.
I know you told me this is it,
You don't get another chance,
But can you look into my eyes,
And see my hurt perhaps.
You know I love you with all my heart,
So don't give up on me just yet,
I'm so confused and hurt inside,
I feel like someone's pet.
So before you tell me no more trys,
Because you've had it up to here,
Take time to listen to your heart,
Help put away my fears.
Just treat me like your daughter,
And try to understand,
I'll try not to be a problem,
The best way that I can.
So don't go off and leave me,
No matter what I do,
Because I'm still your child,
And deeply-- I Love You.