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Don't worry about tomorrow
For it may never come
Just live your life one day at a time
Enjoy each and every one.
For you've been blessed with happiness
You've known the joys of life
You've lived and loved together
As husband and as wife.
You've grown into a family
With children at your side
They look to you for guidance
You look at them with pride.
You bring them up with loving care
You set their standards high
You teach the best of everything
Good judgement, character, and pride.
You teach them from the very start
Of what is right from wrong
And then you pray deep within your heart
These children will be strong.
Strong enough to just say no
When others tell them yes
Strong enough to tell the truth
When tempatation gets the best.
The path of life is rocky
With many hills to climb
But with the help of others
It won't be such a hard time.
For God above will guide them
If they don't turn him away
The future will be promising
With each and every day.