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I have a special group of friends
That mean alot to me
I've never seen their faces
And they have not seen me.
I've pictured each and every one
At one time or another
For looks mean nothing to us here
We love talking to eachother.
It matters not how fat or thin
Or the color of our hair
We don't dress up and try to guess
What the other's wear.
For in the comfort of our homes
We've found our special friends
Of which will always mean alot
These friends until the end.
It matters not what time we talk
For someone is always there
To say hello or say goodnight
Just a friend that really cares.
Its nice to know that you have friends
And see the little light
Thats telling you someone you know
Is waiting online tonight.
Some start out in the mornings
Some finish late at night
But within each mail thats copied
We could read and read all night.
We can keep eachother laughing
We can brighten someones day
Because we are a special group
That never fades away.