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I want to climb the stairway
Of eternal life
I want to see the Heavens
All the beauty and the light.
I want to join my family
From years of long ago
I want to see my loved ones
Whom I have missed for so----
Many days and many nights
As time has passed me by
I look up toward the Heavens
I look and wonder why----
It seems to take forever
For your time to come and then
You watch as many leave you
From loved ones to best friends.
But the promise that God made you
Is awaiting in the sky
He has a place in Heaven
With your name and when you die--
You climb upon the stairway
Of such beauty and such light
You see familiar faces
Your husband or your wife.
You may see little children
That you haven't seen for years
You feel such wonderful feelings
No more pain and no more tears.
You gaze upon a smiling face
A man all dressed in white
You know that in an instant
It's Jesus in the light.
He turns around to greet you
His smile is so sincere
He puts his hand upon you
"I Welcome You My Dear."
"For all the troubles you have had
For all the times you cried
You never will know fear again
I'll be right by your side."
"For I will take care of you
As my Father has for me
This promise I have made you
As He had made for me."
So go and find your loved ones
That have waited patiently
For the day of your arrival
For the day that you joined Me.