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A Morning Prayer

Now as I begin to rise
I turn my face up to the skies
Outside my window I can see
The beauty of Gods' World to me.
I say a morning prayer and then
I thank the Lord and say Amen.
I then begin my daily chores
I try to do my best
I say a prayer and hum a tune
Then pause to take a rest.
For this old body has seen rough times
I know you know what's best
It wont be long before I'm gone
For this is just a test.
Our stay on here is but a while
We must do our very best
To make a difference here on earth
To put our soul at rest.
We must do for eachother
For there will come a day
When the doors of Heaven will open
But some wont know the way.
For there will be two roads to choose
And if you dont choose right
You'll never know the love of God
You'll never see the Light.
For there is a Light in Heaven
Where all good people go
That know the way of the Lord
For He has promised us so.