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Don't Cry Mommy

I cried myself to sleep each night
I wondered what I'd done
To ever live this nightmare
It should never happen to no one.
The pain I couldn't handle
My tears were just like rain
The seconds seemed like hours
My head felt like a train.
My little girls were in a play
All dressed in white with flowers
They couldn't wait to show their dad
We'd be home in a few hours.
They said my children called my name
I thought I heard them too
But only for a second
The code I heard was Blue.
A man was driving down the road
He partied on his way
They said he didn't see us
Too many drinks that day!
While I was in the hospital
They laid my girls to rest
I never got to hold them
Or kiss their tiny faces.
One night when I returned from work
I opened up the door
And I could hear their voices
Sweetly speaking to me once more.
They said:Don't Cry Mommy for we love you so
And we don't want you to be sad
For Jesus is here with us
He said you would be glad.
He said we are with you always
And there will come a day
When you will come to live with us
He said for us to pray.
I thought my faith had been shattered
But I needed to see the Light
I know now their in Heaven
Oh what a glorious sight.