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Within my daughter's bedroom
There hanging on her wall
Is the picture of an angel
Who's asleep and oh so small.
My little girl tells a story
Of how she came to me
She tells of pretty angels
And birds in pretty trees.
She said she was with Jesus
And she sat upon his knee
And he pointed down from Heaven
And said "You were for Me."
I'm sending you to a mommy
That has waited oh so long
To have a little baby
To hold and call her own.
She will teach you things you need to know
She will tuck you in your bed
She will dry away your tears at night
You will never go unfed.
She will bring you up in a House Of God
She will teach you right from wrong
She will listen to your questions
She will show you how to be strong.
And upon your wall an angel
That will watch you every day
And she sleeps at night when you do
Cause she's had a busy day.
She is a guardian angel
That will always watch over you
But even little angels
Must sleep and rest some too.
So say your prayers and go to sleep
And dream what children do
For your sleeping little angel
Is watching over you.