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Our time has come to say goodbye
But not for very long
You took your final rest today
And God has taken you home.
You did so many things in life
You worked so hard so long
You touched the lives of many
A stranger was never known.
You had a loving woman
Who was always by your side
You took her everywhere with you
Until the day she died.
You had four wonderful children
Who now carry on the task
Of going on without you
With memories of the past.
You loved your farm, your horse and dog
You loved your old bulldozer
You told the tales of many times
You built the roads for others.
A gentle giant of a man
With grandchildren everywhere
You had a nickname for us all
And remembered through the years.
And while you took your final breath
We all were by your side
And you were seeing Grandma
Beyond the morning skies.
We held your hand and kissed your head
And said our last goodbyes
And as the tears rolled down our cheeks
You knew we were at your side.
For even though your eyes were shut
You felt our presence near
And knew we always loved you
For you there was no fear.
For dying is a beginning
That we all must do some day
But the pain is still so hard to bear
That we hate to go away.
So rest in peace and kiss grandma
We know now where you've gone
To the house above in God's Kingdom
The house we will call Home.

I dedicated this to my Grandpa Mitchell who died on Saturday, April 20, 2002.