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Each time you think it's raining
And you look up in the sky
It's really tears from Heaven
Falling by and by.
Each drop of rain-no matter where
Is tears the Angels cry
From looking down upon the earth
And watching someone die.
A little child afraid and small
Who clutches at his bed
Can feel an Angels presence
And fall asleep instead.
For every time a child is hurt
An Angel sheds a tear
In disbelief and sorrow
Of saddness and of fear.
To hurt one of Gods children
No matter how or when
No matter what the age is
Is nothing but a sin.
That's why there's guardian Angels
To protect and guide us all
To watch over little children
To be there when they fall.
They cannot change what is to be
They can only guide the way
To steer us down the right path
And watch our children play.
So when you feel a drop of rain
Somewhere an Angel cries
And sheds her tears of sorrow
While she sits by their side.