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My Final Goodbye

I've come to say goodbye today
I'll walk the final time
I'll see you lying peacefully
Passing memories in my mind.
I'm thinking back to years gone by
Of happiness once more
I can see the twinkle in your eyes
I even see mom by the door.
I know you missed her very much
But now your time has come
And you can share your life again
Like you did when you were young.
You were my daddy when I was little
Then you were father in my teens
And later on you became my pop
You were the man of mama's dreams.
I may have tried your patience
But then most children do
But you always had a big old grin
That told me I Love You.
It's hard for me to say goodbye
My tears will ever flow
I'll touch your hand and kiss your cheek
Then it'll be time to go.
I'll always say a prayer for you
Just as I know you will for me
I've grown into the woman
As you wanted me to be.
So please kiss mama for me
You're in my broken heart
Know that I love you dearly
Know that we'll never part.
We took this walk one other time
But you were with me then
I didn't think I'd make it
But your strength pulled me through again.
Sleep in peace my darling father
Your memories will live on
Through the lives of all your children
We will always carry on.