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I'd like to welcome everyone
To our church upon the hill
It's seen alot of changes
And I guess it always will.
When you enter through the doorway
You'll feel like you belong
You might hear Gene asking Betty
"Would you lead us in a song?"
We love to sing and praise the Lord
Sometimes we're but a few
We used to fill our little church
We've seen 102.
We want to thank our teachers
We only have a few
Junior and Gene and Don
And thanks to Lisa too.
Thanks to all the youth group
Who keeps us young at heart
While we remember back to the days
When we had to learn a part.
We give thanks for Elaine each Sunday
For all the songs she sings
And for the joy and pleasure
Her piano playing brings.
Thank you to Joann and Fred
For being such good friends
For all your help and planning
We can always use your hands.
Thanks to Donnie and Sherman too
For lending us their muscle
They carry things that we cant move
It saves us time and trouble.
Special thanks go to Aunt Glenda
For all the time she's spent
Trying to get us organized
For each and every event.
And just a special thank you
To everyone thats here
For taking time to be with us
I hope you've found some cheer.
I'd like to introduce you all
To a very special man
Who prepares a sermon every week
So we can understand.
He teaches from the Bible
He spreads the Word each day
He's caring and devoted
He knows God's on his way.
I'm speaking of Reverend Robertson
To us he is the best
He has a loving family
Of this- he has been blessed.
So thank you Reverend Robertson
For all the years you've spent
With each and every one of us
Through weddings and through deaths.
It takes a special person
To accompolish this in life
We thank the Lord above for you
And for your wonderful wife.