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With open arms I welcomed you
Your time had finally come
I ended all your suffering
I finally called you Home.
You struggled hard the last few years
You did your very best
To make the most of living
Before your final rest.
You wanted to be with family
No matter where or when
The happiest moments that you spent
Were the ones-- at your families homes.
Your daughters worshiped the ground you walked
Your sons will miss you too
Your grandkids will look back to the days
Of special times with you.
Your brothers, sisters, and the rest
Will miss you deeply too
But we all have fond memories
Of our special times with you.
I know your mom and dads been waiting
And your other brothers too
To talk about the good old days
And finally be with you.
I know deep down within my heart
You've finally made it Home
And you can rest and sleep at night
You'll never be alone.
I know you'll still watch over us
Until our time has come
And God opens up the Gates of Gold
To call each of us Home.

I wrote this about my Uncle Bill who died on July 1, 2004 by Linda Malcomb.