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Small in size with big brown eyes
You had a heart of gold
You loved to be with family
And friends and cats and dogs.
You finally met a good man
That made your dreams come true
He worshiped the ground you walked on
And would do anything for you.
You loved your children with all your heart
They were your pride and joy
And they will surely miss you
With the coming of each day.
You fought for life each passing day
You kept your spirits high
You wanted to live forever
You didnt want to die.
You struggled years and hoped one day
The pain would go away
But God had other plans for you
He couldnt let you stay.
So now while you're in Heaven
You'll finally get to see
Your mom and dad and loved ones
That have waited patiently.
There will be bears in Heaven
Your set will be complete
You loved to collect and store them
Each one was so unique.
I say goodbye -little munchkin
You will cry in pain no more
Till we meet again in Heaven
Wait for us at the Door.

I wrote this for my cousin, Millie, who died on July 8, 2004. By Linda Malcomb