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I called to say I love you
But-I dont want you to cry
I only have a few days
To tell everyone good bye.
I asked my wife to kiss me
And hold me tight once more
The time has come to let me go
I wont suffer any more.
When we got married and said our vows
You stood always by my side
You've seen me through the hard times
I've even seen you cry.
You asked me to hang in there
I tried to do my best
But sometimes our body gives out
And wants a final rest.
I never planned to leave so soon
I've watched our daughters grow
I wanted to spend more time with them
I've been so proud--you know.
I just became a grandpa
Oh what a wonderful day
I wish I could of had more time
To watch her grow and play.
I want each of you to never forget
How much I love you so
Keep a place within your heart
And never let me go.
I've told my friends and family
To think back and remember when
I made them smile or laugh out loud
Or joked around with them.
I've said my prayers and made my peace
I've seen the Golden Door
I know where I'm going is Heaven
Its beautiful-of that I'm sure.
And at the Door I will see their face
With smiles and open arms
Yes, it will be my grandpa
With grandma by his side.
So as I fall asleep tonight
And take my final breath
Give thanks to God for no more pain
Now I can finally rest.

I dedicated this to my cousin, Gregg, a wonderful man who died on 7-5-07.