Opening Times:
All Year, 7 days a week [closed 25th 1st Jan.] : 10am - 6pm [5.30pm winter] Last entrance to Garden 5pm.
Admission / Booking:
Group Rate [10 minimum] £3.50 per person. Please book in advance.
We cannot provide parking space in our car park in June, July & August, however groups are still welcome. Please note - some foreign style coaches are unable to cross the village bridge some 20 metres from our entrance & usually park on the road in the village. British models have no problem gaining access to our car park where there is ample space outside of peak summertime.
Toilet Facilities:
None on the premises however a public convenience block is situated approx. 20 metres from entrance.
Access for Disabled:
Wheelchair access was an important consideration in our design ensuring access to most of the garden and nurseries (95%+). A variety of seats within the garden allow for frequent rest stops. Some gravel paths.
The Japanese Teahouse represents the Cha-Seki wherein the Zen Buddhist Tea Ceremony is performed in Japan, and does not serve refreshments.
Refreshments available at St.Mawgan Village Tea-room, contact Jenny Salmon 01637 860303, or visit The Falcon Inn in the centre of the village, which also has a large outdoor garden area.
Tel: 01637 860116 or Email: