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Chapter 6

Kevin stood at the door of Brian's hotel suite and shook his head.

"If I were smart, I'd go bunk with AJ or something." he muttered quietly to himself. Sighing, he raised his hand to knock on the door but paused shortly before his fist reached the door. It lingered there for a moment before he dropped it back to his side.

Why didn't he go to one of the other guys' room? he asked himself. Shortly after they'd all checked into their suites at the Colorado resort, a pipe busted in Kevin's bathroom and flooded his entire suite. Unable to obtain another suite, Kevin had to share a room with one of the other guys.

So why didn't he go to AJ, Howie or Nick's room instead of standing there about to knock on Brian's door? he asked himself again. Because of her, a voice told him. Kevin sighed again as he acknowledged the truth. He knew that he wanted to be in that room tonight because he was afraid of what might happen between Lily and Brian. Kevin ignored the voice that reminded him of what probably also happened between them and raised his hand to knock again. This time his hand made it to the door and produced a short, quiet knock.

As if the knock were a cold bucket of water, Kevin suddenly realized what he was doing. It was none of his business what Brian did with his girlfriend, and he didn't care. Kevin turned to head down the hall before Brian could open the door.

"Kev? Did you knock on my door?" Brian asked as he stuck his head out in the hallway. At Kevin's short nod he asked "Did you need something?"

Kevin shook his head and muttered a 'Nevermind' and turned to head down the hall again.

"Mr. Richardson?" the manager of the hotel asked as he hustled down the hall "Did you find a place to stay? We are so sorry about the flood."

Kevin opened his mouth to reply but Brain had come out of his room and approached them. "You need a place to stay Kev? You can stay with me, I'm sure Lil won't mind."

Kevin knew he shouldn't, knew deep down inside that it was totally against the rules but he found himself agreeing with Brian's offer. He heard himself say thank you and followed Brian into the room. Kevin knew it wasn't to late to get out of this predicament but he couldn't make himself speak up. He had just opened his mouth to tell Brian that he'd go to AJ's room instead when the object of his predicament presented herself in front of them.

"Lil, Kevin's room got flooded and he's going to stay with us. Is that OK?" Brian said to her.

Lily had come up short when she saw Kevin standing with Brian in the living room section of their suite but looked away from Kevin to Brian and replied "Of course." quietly. Brian didn't catch the awkwardness in her voice but Kevin did and looked at her sharply. Lily carefully avoided his gaze and turned to go back into the bedroom.

"Well, it's about bedtime, Kev. You can sleep in here, the couch pulls out into a bed. And I think there are some linens in that closet over there." At that he said goodnight and followed Lily into the bedroom.

Kevin looked around him and sighed and then set about fixing his bed. He took sheets and blankets from the closet Brian had pointed to and then after he pulled the couch bed out, he made the bed. Deciding not to sleep totally nude, as was his custom, Kevin stripped down to his underwear and climbed into bed.

After tossing and turning for several hours Kevin sighed and got out of bed. He pulled a pair of gray jogging pants from one of his bags and pulled them on. Just as he had them on, his head snapped up as he heard a noise in the kitchen.

Treading lightly on his toes, Kevin made his way to the kitchen where the light was off. He couldn't see into the kitchen but he knew someone was in there. It could be an intruder, he told himself, anyone else would have turned the light on.

Stepping as lightly as he could Kevin entered the kitchen and came closer to the dark figure he could make out slightly since his eyes had adjusted to the dark. He couldn't tell exactly who the person was but he knew that whoever it was was smaller than him, so Kevin knew he had the upper hand in case there was a struggle.

Tiptoeing closer, Kevin reached out his arms suddenly and grabbed the intruder with a arm around the waist and a hand over the mouth and shoved the small body up against him to restrain movement. Kevin stopped being so aggressive when he recognized that it was a woman he held in his arms, not only any woman but Lily.

"Ssh!" he commanded her when she struggled against his hold. "It's me, Kevin. Now, if I take my hand off of your mouth, do you promise not to yell at me?" he asked and Lily nodded vigorously. He slipped his hand from her mouth but didn't relax his hold on the rest of her body.

"Let me go." she hissed at him, not wanting to wake Brian.

Kevin ignored her and asked in a whisper "What are you doing in here with the lights off?"

"I was trying not to wake you up by turning the lights on!" she whispered furiously, her voice rising with every word.

Kevin clapped a hand back down on her mouth to quit her. "Be quiet or you'll wake up Brian!" he whispered heatedly and then slipped his hand from her mouth after she nodded.

They stood there in the dark for a moment, Kevin feeling her breath against him and feeling her warm breathe hit him as he held her close.

Lily felt more than saw Kevin lean in closer, if that were even possible. Her heart sped up as she felt his lips hover slightly above hers before finally taking them aggressively.

The kiss started out aggressive but quickly changed as Kevin played with her lips and teased her tongue. Lily accepted the kiss and her tongue dueled with his when it entered her mouth. Kevin's hands ran hungrily along her slim body and Lily moaned when his hand cupped her breast. Kevin finally tore his mouth from hers and moved to her neck where he kissed it just as thoroughly.

"I want you so much, Lily. You're driving me crazy." he whispered against her neck. The words somehow penetrated her passion-dazed brain and Lily came to her senses with difficulty and pushed Kevin away. She knew that under any other circumstance, she never would have been able to overpower him but his passion had caused him to be caught unaware.

Breathing heavily, Kevin looked down at her in confusion, unable to grasp yet why she'd pushed him away. His senses slowly came back to him and he realized what he'd just done.

"Lily, I'm-" he began but stopped when he felt Lily moving away to leave the room. Catching her around the waist, he hauled her up against him again. "No, you're not going anywhere. You're going to let me apologize this time." Lily struggled against him again and Kevin said "Quiet down now or I'll kiss you again." Kevin cursed at how quickly she ceased all movement and sound. "I'm sorry Lily." he said, sounding not at all sincere. "It won't happen again." he said just as he had the last time and then pushed her from him and exited the kitchen quietly.


Lily leaned up against a tree and looked over the snow covered hills. She'd just skied down one of the larger hills and she was now resting against a tree on the side of the trail.

Glancing up, she saw Kevin coming down the same trail on his snowboard. Lily hadn't spoken to him since she'd woken up that morning, after a very fitful night's sleep, and found his letter informing Brian that he'd opted to stay in Howie's room for the rest of their stay in order to give them some 'privacy'.

Lily watched as Kevin twisted and turned on the snowboard expertly. As he came up apon a large drop on a hill he attempted to jump over it but lost his footing as he landed and fell.

Lily watched from her tree, expecting Kevin to get up any minute and frowned when she didn't see him rise from his fall. Pushing away from the tree, Lily skied over to him and saw him lying in the snow. Unhooking her snow boots from the skis, she walked over to him to check on him.

"Kevin are you OK?" she asked, squatting down beside him.

Kevin looked up and saw her there and silently cursed at his predicament. "I'm fine." he stated shortly "I'm just a little..." he stopped and gestured down at his snowboard. Lily looked down at it and didn't comprehend what he was talking about and looked back at his face in confusion. At her confused look Kevin explained "I'm stuck." he mumbled and gestured at his board again. Lily looked back at it and realized it was sticking straight up and down into the ground and Kevin's body was laying side ways, preventing him from being able to reach his feet and unhook himself.

Lily looked at the scene and couldn't contain the giggle that escaped her.

Kevin looked up at her sharply and said "This is not funny! I'm stuck, I can't get loose!" This made Lily laugh even harder and she fell down into the snow beside Kevin and laughed heartily at the scene of Kevin laying in the snow unable to move because of the board sticking up out of the snow.

Kevin watched her, completely fascinated by her laughter. He'd never seen her genuinely smile before and he thought she was beautiful. Soon her laughter was contagious and he found himself laughing with her.

Lily calmed her laughter slightly and leaned forward and unfastened Kevin's boots from the snow board. Kevin stood up, smiling, and dislodged his snowboard from the snow and sat it on the ground in front of him. He looked over at Lily who was still smiling at him warmly and knew he had to get away from her before he once again took her in his arms without letting her go this time. He hooked his boots back into the board and after a thank you to Lily, continued on down the hill.

Chapter Seven