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Part Five
Part Five

None of the Backstreet Boys heard from AJ for days. He kept himself closeted in his house and refused to speak to anyone. He spent his days drowning himself in his misery.

A few days after she left, Brandy returned. She was there to get her things, she said as she moved around the house, picking up the few belongings she had at AJ's house.

AJ couldn't help himself. The combination of seeing her again and knowing she was leaving, tore at his chest and he couldn't help the tears that slid down his face. He knew that he was losing the best thing that ever happened to him.

Brandy moved through the room again and happened to glance in AJ's direction. She stopped dead in her tracks.

When AJ finally looked up at her he saw tears glistening in her eyes.

"No. Don't." he whispered as he approached her. He cupped her face and used his thumbs to wipe away the tears that were now spilling to her cheeks. "Don't cry." He looked deep into her eyes and said "I can't stand to see you cry."

"AJ." she said but AJ silenced her with a finger to her mouth.

"I was wrong." he said "I had no right to say those things I said to you and I'm so sorry. Brandy, I love you so much it scares me. I don't know what to do without you. When you're not with me I'm lost. I need you to make me whole. Please don't leave." he said the last in a whisper, his emotions overcoming him.

Brandy didn't reply, only launched herself into his arms, the two of them murmuring sweet words of love to each other through their tears.

Part Six
