the 4-1-1 on 2004

    Bandytown had such a big year in 2004 that it is almost impossible to sum up everything.  As we say goodbye to 2004 and step into another year, we can’t help but look back at everything that has happened in just the past year.  Just about everything can be described using eight simple words, “Well I bet the neighbors are just loving this”.  This is a popular quote from Thelma Harper on the hit television show “Mama’s Family” and it completely describes most of what goes on in Bandytown.

    The most obvious mention of the year is the fact that Bandytown joined the Internet on January 6th 2004 .  Everything happened so fast with the website it was clear that a lot of people share a true love for Bandytown.  Many people have written trying to describe this effect that Bandytown has on them and how they hold a special place in their heart for “home”.  In hopes of keeping up with everyone, we had to create a guestbook which was born on January 11th and recently celebrated its 100th entry.  As we begin another year we can only hope that we are more fortunate and successful than ever before.

    However, not everything this past year can be sugarcoated.  On and off throughout the year we had telephone trouble due to our outdated phone lines.  We were told that our phone lines will be replaced and updated in 2005 so we can only hope this holds to be true.  This past year has been the worst for stray dogs.  We had over eight dogs that were abandoned in Bandytown.  Two of the dogs that were taken off by the dog catcher loved Bandytown so much they couldn’t help but return.  Who can forget the poor stray dog that was left by the old Bethlehem mines?  Thanks to Bandytown and Twilight people feeding it survived for several months.  The dog recently went missing without a trace.

    We had several things that occurred in the spring of 2004.  The first mention is the large tree that fell at the Mid Ferrell Cemetery that knocked over several tombstones.  There was no major damage, but several residents from Bandytown and Twilight showed that when you work together you can achieve anything.  The tree was sawed into several pieces and properly disposed of.  Bandytown had a couple new residents join us during this season.  We had two large brown horses and three goats join our community.  One particular goat, Tinkerbell became quiet the talk of the town.  Many people were talking about her, especially we she got into a fight with three dogs and she showed all of them who the boss was.  Another couple of dogs were stranded on a cliff in the center of town.  Three Bandytown residents took it upon themselves to cross the river and climb the cliffs to save the dogs.  A cooler was mysteriously taken around this time and several were accused.  To date nothing has ever come of the accusations.  The house that was for sale for $90,000 was brought to everyone’s attention at this time.  Many thought it was a joke, but it turns out that the owners were serious.  Finally, the Bandytown Spy emerged during this season.  Since, the mysterious and anonymous spy has created a devoted fan base of people who desire the Bandytown “inside news”.

    Summer of 2004 was the year of the “Wet Banana”.  This popular summer pastime was more fun and more enjoyable this past year than ever before.  Introducing this to the new residents and kids of the town made this very special also.  Most of these kids tell their parents that they don’t ever want to leave Bandytown.  The adults also got in on the action and had a blast.  The “Wet Banana” concluded the summer season with a large cookout.  Many rumors were swirling over the future of Bandytown Coal Company.  Of course, how could they not be with all of the action going on at the mines after it was practically abandoned in 2000?  Massey then confirmed some of the rumors after they announced on their website that the mine was going to reopen in the future using resources from an adjacent Massey property.  With the warm weather during the summer, people were wanted to be outside and what a better way to spend you day than at the park.  Many people got together and thanks to donated paint from “the Hut” at Van the Twilight Park was cleaned and painted.  The park was transformed completely!  Another outdoor favorite this past summer was “goin’ berry pickin’”.  Many people love picking berries for delicious pies and ice cream treats.  Bandytowners show that whatever they want done they can do it.  This is exactly what one resident done over the summer when she had a large hazardous tree in the center of town cut down.  The owner of the tree did not approve with the decision to have the tree cut, but it turns out that the actual owner was the state road.  They decided the tree was to be cut despite the former owner’s disapproval.  Another headline over the summer was the fact that one resident purchased and bulldozer and cleaned most of the upper holler up and also the Greene Cemetery !  The dozer was also involved in many other projects throughout the community.  Dozers can be used to help people and clean up things, but in another case over the summer they were used to destroy the Twilight Company Store.   Yes, we said farewell to the Company Store over the summer as the building and all surrounding buildings were torn down.  Garage mania occurred over the summer many folks built one for all sorts of reasons from protecting their cars from the elements to having a place to work on projects.  Speaking of cars, a cheap hood ornament was stolen from a junk truck and many were accused.  The accused were offended and this resulted in a good “telling off”.  This concludes our summer of 2004 review.

    Fall of 2004 was considered a new beginning for many as they moved to Bandytown to start their new lives.  A total of six new residents moved to Bandytown and most of them are enjoying every minute of it.  The Hurricanes of 2004: Charley , Frances , Ivan and Jeanne had a devastating effect on Florida .  However, their effects were felt all the way up to Bandytown!  Heavy rains and winds resulted in power outages and a large tree falling on a resident’s home and personal vehicle.  The power company decided to help with our power and phone trouble by trimming trees and brush that is interfering with our lines during this season.  The quality of the lines was not improved.  Finding your way to Bandytown got a little easier as we received new freshly painted yellow lines on the road!  Halloween was an exciting event for Bandytown as we had a record number of kids!  We also had two Hatfield and McCoy feuds on Halloween.  Many people thoroughly enjoyed one of them as they were hoping for punching and fighting, but only cussin’ and name-calling occurred.  The other fight was the result of a property dispute and just resulted in a good telling off over the fence.  This year’s deer hunting season was enjoyed by many as they headed out into the hills hoping to get the big one.  Some succeeded however others weren’t as lucky as they had hoped.  The Bandytown site “moved on up” from a small site hosted by Angelfire to the new and improved “”.  We also placed signs on both ends of town letting motorist know of our new home on the web. recently made headlines as it was featured twice in one edition of the Coal Valley News and featured frontpage in the Coal Valley ADvantage.  Wacky fall weather also resulted in some “Indian Summers” and highs winds which destroyed many peoples Christmas decorations and improved others.  Just before Christmas, we received a good snowfall which resulted in icy snow-covered roads and a power outage!  Christmas lights were the obvious suspects for the outage!  Finally, Christmas and New Year’s went well with many cards and presents exchanged.  We received our annual air horn tooting at midnight on New Years.

    In conclusion, 2004 was filled with many different emotions and events.  The year was a great year for Bandytown in several ways especially as we moved onto the World Wide Web and made headlines in the newspapers.  For others 2004 meant new beginnings and a new page or chapter in their life.  However you chose to enjoy the year, we can all look back and say “God Bless Bandytown”.  Until next time, take care of yourself and each other and don’t forget to keep on praying for “Good Ole Bandytown!”  

For more information on happenings in Bandytown in 2004 visit the spy report page!

