Coal Valley News


Coal Valley News has a new section on their paper where they feature people who deserve to be recognized.  A few weeks ago a Bandytown resident was recognized for her dedication to her health!  Here is the complete story: 

While doing her dishes through the kitchen window she watches Martine walking her daily laps.  She is all bundled up with layers of clothing and a hat or umbrella if it's raining, gloves on in freezing weather.  She is always prepared no matter what the conditions are.  The people of Twilight are sure proud of Martine Weaver who is 74 years young and resides in Bandytown, WV.  She is no ordinary person, she is dedicated to her health.  Sebo, as her friends call her walks three miles a day, in rain, snow and even blistery cold.  Sebo always stops in at the Twilight Post Office and chats with Postmaster Loraine Mullins, picks up her mail and then she is off to the track at Twilight Park.  Five laps around is one mile, so in a day Sebo does 15 laps!  Her doctor says one mile would be plenty, but she knows how the exercise has helped her blood pressure and sugar diabetes.  Her medicine has been lowered and the doctor visits are now six months apart instead of monthly.  Sebo even had cataract surgery and walked the same day.  Now there's the dedication, Loraine says.  She could inspire the young  and the not so young.  She is always smiling too.  I am sure the exercise helps her to be so upbeat.  So come on West Virginians let's go walk with her!  And last but not least she eats whatever she wants.  Then 15 laps around the track, by the way she has only missed 7 days due to weather conditions.  I am sure she has added many years to her life, said the postmaster at Twilight.  She has sure inspired me, said Loraine who has started walking after her day at the post office.

Check out our other "In the Spotlight" dedicated to Nancy McCann who just celebrated her 104th birthday!

For those of you who don't know there is a walking track at the Twilight Community Park.  The track is also well lighted for night walking! Many people from other communities come up to the track to walk just for privacy and peace and quiet!  There has also been some playground equipment added for the kids thanks to Massey Energy. Below are some pictures of the park:






























